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The Roles of Prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel, and their Significance

Essay Instructions:

Assignment #3– You have read and analyzed the article ‘Global Anxieties and Local Debates’ by Banting and Kymlicka (2010).

Task #1 – Find an article that is similar to this article and looks at challenges of multiculturalism either in the European context or in the Canadian context.

Task #2 - Using the research provided in Banting and Kymlicka’s article and in the article found by you, write a report on the situation of Canadian Multiculturalism.

Word Limit – 600 - 800 words

Due Date: Last day of fall term class

Format – Use APA style guide to format your essay, all citations, quotations and references etc. should be in APA

Important – Your assignment should be TYPED, PRINTED and STAPLED. Please write your section and your English name as well (if applicable).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Challenges of Multiculturalism in Canada
The Roles of Prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel, and their Significance
Since the 1960s, Canada has put a strong emphasis on equal treatment and inclusivity of people, regardless of their ethnic or racial backgrounds. Canada is one of the most diverse, progressive and multicultural countries in the world. However, this did not start overnight; it has been a progressive piece work that started in the 1970s and 1980s under President Pierre Trudeau. Since the 19th century, Canada has acted as a home for foreign nationals and immigrants across the globe. A massive population influx from other parts of Europe and elsewhere after World War II fundamentally altered Canada’s demographic fabric (MacDonald & David, 2014). By 1980, 40 percent of its population was neither British nor French, who have been regarded as the original inhabitants of Canada and are the two largest, oldest groups. By the 1980s almost 40 percent of the population were of neither British nor French origins (the two largest groups and among the oldest. Multicultural Policy, passed in 1969, states that all people are equal and can participate as a member of the society regardless of their racial, cultural, ethnic or religious backgrounds. Canadian Multiculturalism Act was passed
One major challenge of multiculturalism is, it is often looked at as an ideological issue, making it have protagonists, from those who do not subscribe to it. In most European countries, an example is the UK; some people take the meaning of multiculturalism to be a social programme to effect change. This immediately gives it a political dimension. When looked at from this perspective, sides will be taken, by those who see multiculturalism as a political move to force multicultural relations between specific ethnic or racial groups for political outcomes, with the sole intention of creating a socially equal and just country, which is always the main intention of cultural diversity and multiculturalism (Matjeskova, et al 2015). Those that are against this explanation and intention argue that it misleads a nation. It then comes out as being a tool for setting up those who believe in the importance of multiculturalism to the advancement of social justice and equality, against those who do not support racial and cultural integration. The idea of multiculturalism hence takes a political dimension, a t...
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