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5 pages/≈1375 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Sociology of the Family Final Paper

Essay Instructions:

The following are requirements for your papers:

1. Preferably Microsoft Word.  If you do not have access to this software please speak to me within the next 4 weeks about the software you will be using.  Do not wait until the night you turn in your paper.


a. Full pages, not 4.25…5

3. The following are the largest margins you should have:

a. Top = 1”, Bottom = 1”, Left = 1”, Right = 1”

4. Font = Times New Roman, 12 point

5. Double spaced

6. Note that ALL papers must be submitted in two ways:

a. First, you will need to bring a hard-copy printout of the paper to the final exam

b. Second, before midnight the night of the exam you need to email a copy to me

i. The name of the file needs to be:

1. LAST NAME - family.whatever software extension

a. EXAMPLE: derr - family.docx

Please note – I will be uploading all papers to Turn-It-In.  Please DO NOT copy them from the internet.

What To Do:

Overall you are recording a life story, which is generally asking people to talk about their lives.  People LOVE to talk about their lives…especially once you get them going.  And on that, maybe you want to use some sort of recording device when doing this, so that you can refer to the conversations when writing your papers…it can make the note taking less intrusive.

There are two general schools of thought on how to conduct these interviews:

1. Free form

2. Structured

When you get good at it, free form is REALLY fun.  Since this is your first go-around, you’ll be doing structured for a couple reasons:

1. It will make it easier to write your papers

2. I want you to put together your “discussion guide” and run it by me sometime in the next ~4 weeks, just so I can make sure you’re on the right path

Discussion Guide:

As the name implies, this will be a document which guides the discussion you will have with your family member, and can quite literally be a list of questions you want to ask them.  Now, here’s the thing – even in a structured interview you will likely diverge from the script.  This is totally fine.  And what makes something like this sort of fun.  You ask your grandmother how she met your grandfather, and she starts talking about 3 guys she dated before him?  Roll with it!

Where will you get these questions?  You’ll make them up!  Now, presumably you have liked some of the topics we’ve discussed thus far in class more than others…or some of them have hit closer to your home life than others.  These are the ones you’ll want to focus on.  For example:

I want to know what roll class played in shaping my family

That is what is known as your research question.  (And, congratulations, you now know more about research than 50% of my clients!)  You cannot simply go to your mother “What do you think about ‘class’?”  That will get you nowhere!

Instead, you’ll need to ask other questions which indirectly ask the same types of questions:

Where did you grow up?

Where did you tend to vacation?

What was your wedding like?


What jobs did you/dad have?

You’ll then use THAT information combined with what you have learned in class to talk about your family, and answer your research question.

You may have noticed that many of the topics we’ve discussed also have tended to bleed into one another.  This is due to that pesky intersectionality theory we keep talking about – these topics all DO impact each other.  As a result, your paper could talk about race, class, gender…whatever you want.  Wherever your conversation takes you!

Lot of people probably getting a little nervous about the lack of structure here so far


What is the structure of the family (can be about a page)

o Who is in it

o Where you are from

What was your research question (topic) going into your conversation? (0.5 – 1 page)

o Did you wind up talking about OTHER things?

Then, tell me about your family in sociological terms (this is the meat of it…2-3 pages)

o What did you talk about?

o Feel free to use direct quotes

o As you talked, did anything come up which was interesting in light of the things we discussed in class?

Finally, some sort of conclusion… (0.5 – 1 page)

o What you learned about your family

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Sociology of the Family Name Institution Date Sociology of the Family A family is a group of people related by blood, custom, law or through marriage. In society, the family creates thriving integrated individuals of the society through instilling social culture to their children. Family offers certain benefits such as protection, socialization, care, emotional support; regulate sexual behavior by using social norms and reproduction. Am lucky enough to have two families around me that is my immediate nuclear family dad, mother, me and my two siblings’ brother and sister. The grandparents from my dads side living close to us. Dad comes from a nuclear where he is born of a soldier father now retired and a housewife mother who are living in the same neighborhood. My father is the second born in his family of four siblings. One elder brother and two younger sisters. Both sisters are married with their own families and the elder brother is divorce. My mother is the last born in her family where she has two brothers. One lives with his wife and two children in Canada while the other one is yet to marry. My mother's parents live in the rural area, as they prefer retirement in a calm cool environment according to my mum. For the purpose of this case, am going to learn about my family using my grandparents from dad's side since they live nearby and my parents. Father was born and raised in California where my grandparents lived and worked most of the lives. Mother was from the same neighborhood as her parents lived and worked there too, she tells me that is how she met my father as they used to attend the same local Catholic Church. The following paper is going to analyze the finding from both my grandparents and parents in regards to my family. Data analyzed was collected through a structured interview although I had not told them it is school work they were aware I was recording their responses. I doubt this was the reason but we could go further than a mere response to the questions answered. For example, when I asked my grandmother where she was working, she prolonged her answer saying today's women are lucky they have almost equal opportunities to those of men unlike in her times when a woman was observed to remain in the kitchen. Grandfather also had a lot to say about today's generation and marriage especially because of his divorced son case. Family Members Responses I structure a general questionnaire: Place of birth? What Church ? Your Hobby? How was your wedding? Past jobs ? Perception of racism? Same-sex marriage stand. ? Perception of the millennial ? Grandparents Interestingly just like my parents, grandfather and grandmother are both from California, where grandmother was a daughter to my grandfather's teacher and through her several visits to her mum in school that is how they met. My grandfather is raised as a Christian and has been a staunch Catholic follower. This belief has been brought to everyone else in the family. He observes that church was a perfect way to raise children morally and in a holistic environment. He gives examples of himself and his children claiming that the church helped him mold his children to what they are today. As his eldest son was divorced by his wife only to for the with to settle with another woman, grandfather observes that if his eldest son's wife was raised according to the church ways that would not have happened and my uncle would still have his family of procreation intact. Grandfather likes reading especially history materials. He had a simple normal church wedding, which was funded by his parents as he married at a tender age of 20 years while my grandmother was 18 years. On the perception of racisms he claims that has not been an issue to him although he ...
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