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Gender Pay Gap in the Hollywood Industry

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Gender Pay Gap
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In all the business matters in the world men and women have been playing their role based on the demand and each one’s capacity. It is their right to receive a wage for the work they do, and men have always been paid more than women. Even though women equally work hard and are as intelligent as men, they receive a much lower wage than men working above or below in the line. Hollywood, America’s biggest entertainment industry, is no exception when we talk about the gender pay gap. Where Hollywood makes movies about the women right and them being as important as their counterpart it systematically fails to abridge the pay gap in a larger context.
There is much written about this topic over the last 50 years to increase awareness, but women are still fighting today and raising voices for their right. I will focus on a single event that took place in Hollywood in 2017.
Ridley Scott was all set to release his big-budget holiday season movie, All the Money in the World, with Mark Wahlberg, Michelle Williams and Kevin Spacey in major roles. Spacey faced allegations of sexual assaults weeks before the movie was to release and negative publicity started to build quickly and the press was all over Spacey. To see this Ridley decided to replace him with Christopher Plummer as he did not want to take any chance with this film. For reshoots, Mark Wahlberg was paid $1.5 million and his co-star Michelle Williams was paid $80 per diem.
This event is so shocking and presents the glamorous Hollywood industry exercising inequality and biases in its structures. The producers and the agents are actually the culprits in this scenario who want to save the maximum amount of money and pay less to the female actors. They are running their empire on this injustice which needs to be addressed properly by the US lawmakers. The voices raised by many female actors, Williams as well, are reaching to the doors of lawmakers but they are sometimes reverted.
The greed f...
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