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How Modern-Day Nationalism Shapes Foreign Policy

Essay Instructions:

The essay question is based on your textbook and the Foreign Affairs March / April edition.
Before answering, you should read "A New Americanism: Why a Nation Needs a National Story" to help frame nationalism within the American context. Please make sure to cite your sources (from Foreign Affairs, the textbook, and other sources). Articles within this journal can help you understand nationalism within the US context.
How is modern-day nationalism shaping foreign policy? Discuss a foreign policy decisions(s) in terms of United States nationalism. Your analysis should be of a modern case (post 9/11) and not on an issue you have previously presented on.
Your essay question should be between 500 and 750 words.

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Nationalism refers to a concept or ideology that advocates safeguarding a nation’s social, political and economic interests. The study of history tells us that this term has been associated with more narrow-minded people who governed their states and tried to impose their agenda on the others (Pillar, 2018). With this fact in mind, the modern American politicians (as an individual or as a party) have been reluctant to apply this term to themselves overtly no matter how much they have been working for national interests covertly. It has recently changed when president Trump called himself a nationalist during a rally in Houston.
The relationship between nationalism and foreign policy is complex, but after Trump won the elections, he openly declared to build a border wall between Mexico and America. Here we can see a direct relationship between Trump’s nationalistic ideology and country’s foreign policy (immigration policy), as he wants to stop the flow of immigration from across the border in order to lessen the burden on country’s economic, medical and other institutes.
Despite severe criticism from the opposing politicians and many organizations in the country, the president declared the emergency and froze the system for weeks which led to many people suffering in various capacities. By using such a hostile approach, he forced the opposition leaders to negotiate this border wall idea with him.
The wall on US-Mexico border would take another $5.7 billion (as per the president) to complete, and $1.7 billion have already been spent on Congres...
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