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How Modern-Day Nationalism Shape Foreign Policy

Essay Instructions:

The essay question is based on your textbook and the Foreign Affairs March / April edition.
Before answering, you should read "A New Americanism: Why a Nation Needs a National Story" to help frame nationalism within the American context. Please make sure to cite your sources (from Foreign Affairs, the textbook, and other sources). Articles within this journal can help you understand nationalism within the US context.
How is modern-day nationalism shaping foreign policy? Discuss a foreign policy decisions(s) in terms of United States nationalism. Your analysis should be of a modern case (post 9/11) and not on an issue you have previously presented on.
Your essay question should be between 500 and 750 words


Essay Sample Content Preview:

We are living in a globalised world where everyone is watching and more aware than ever. The interrelation between nations has been made easy through trade, advanced transportation, and the ever advancing technology. The above have enforced a new environment where the economies of the world have been transformed into a global village. Thus, the ideologies, policies of one nation could easily affect the way of doing things in the other nations and vice verse. Nationalism has been and is continuing to be one of the most important ideologies which allow individuals to understand how nations develop and formulate foreign policies. The existing relationship between foreign policy and nationalism is sensitive and complex, as there exist many stages of analyzing and paths of relating foreign policy to nationalism. Scholars identify the state itself, policy makers, and the nation masses as the measure of analysis. Nationalism is seen as an independent variable that drives foreign policy into making a decision thus there is an interactive relationship between foreign policy and nationalism. Study show that nationalism is the major remaining threat to liberalism, however today the nation’s nationalist are observed to have no more than to get independence from the others that do not have comprehensive agenda related to their social economic organization.
Modern day nationalism as observed above is vital and the way it is shaping foreign policy the world may still not have escaped nationalism. The 21 st century has seen individuals such as Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump come into power....
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