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Effects of Immigration

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Effects of Immigration Name Institutional Affiliation Date
Immigration is moving from one place to the another in order to live and work in that place. The history of immigration dates back to thousands of years ago when the first Africans arrived in Egypt. In recent cases, there is high increase in immigration as people move from one location to the other to look for better lives and job opportunities. There are countries where the people move from their rural areas to the urban areas to work. Immigration has a number of effects on both countries. The purpose of this essay is to explore the effects of immigration.
One of the common effects of migration is the contribution of the immigrants to the economic development of the country. The immigrants come with their skills and they get employed in a number of industries within the country. Some of these immigrants will also end up creating job opportunities for the citizens of that country. If the citizens lack certain skills, immigrants will fill up the space and provide their labor. Due to this reason, most of the countries are striving towards creating a good business environment...
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