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Bulworth Write Impression Of View On The Movie

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Bulworth write impression of view on the movie

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What happens when a person starts to speak against what they have been supporting and standing for? What happens when an insider starts to speak against the doctrines with which they have been living and standing by? Well, Bulworth is a movie that asks these questions as it follows Warren Beatty or Senator Billington Bulworth who decided to speak against everything he was thought to stand for. Bulworth is a movie that makes people ask themselves some important questions including but not limited to whether they are ready to face the truth. How will people react or handle the truth regarding their beliefs or views? Well, Bulworth offers a comedic view or side to the story and does it effortlessly.
Senator Jay Bulworth is the incumbent senator of California. In March 1996, Bulworth is losing his re-election bid to a young populist. Due to the frustrations of politics, he plans to commit suicide. He goes ahead and negotiates an insurance policy with his daughter as the beneficiary. However, the Senator knows that committing suicide would void the inheritance of the daughter. Hence, he decided to hire assassins to kill him within two days. Knowing that he is going to die, Bulworth becomes careless during his campaigns. He makes offensive remarks in public which attracts the attention of the media. At the same time, Bulworth becomes romantically involved with Nina, a black activity. After appearing in a televised debate, Bulworth goes to Nina’s house where he discovers that Nina was the assassin he indirectly hired. However, Nina assures him that she will not do the job which causes him to sleep for 36 hours. When he wakes up, he has already won the primary election by many votes. As Bulworth addresses the media, an agent of the insurance company lobbyists shoots him due to the fear of his push for single-payer healthcare.
One of the ideas that the movie presents are that there are no labels in politics. The movie shows that when it comes to certain matters, politicians ignore their political labels and seem to be working together. A good example is the issue of national health care and insurance companies on the same. The idea being commun...
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