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1 pages/≈275 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
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Position Against Any Religious Worldview As An Impediment To Globalization

Essay Instructions:

An argumentative essay of about 300 words that consists of five short paragraphs: a brief opening with a 3-Point thesis, three discussion points (premises), and a brief closing. One of the discussion points has to be refuted in any of the body paragraphs. The concluding paragraph should restate the thesis (in a different way) and, if space permits, summarize the overall essay.

This essay takes position against any religious worldview as an impediment to globalization (unifying the world). None of any particular religions need to be mentioned, except perhaps for certain religious practices. This position on the issue (the worldviews’ collision) should be reflected in the writer’s thesis. Ideally, there will be 2 illustrations (examples) as an evidence for each premise, also in the paragraph where refuting of opposing perspective(s) takes place.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

When Worldviews Collide
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There is no such religious evidence or content available that hinders the globalization in today’s world (Klass, 2018). After WWII, the concept of industrialism expanded and reached out to masses in the world. In the meantime, the process of globalization started. The core reason behind this process has always been the economic growth, and no religion preaches against the growth, yet it argues the means to achieve that growth.
The religion questions the premise of globalization when the vested golden rules of life are being manipulated and altered in the face of modern-day life (Klass, 2018). For instance, the core religious practices in any religion are taking new forms when people from different backgrounds...
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