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Reasons to Criminalize Drug Use. Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:


You will be required to submit a critical essay on ONE of the required reading assignments that will be discussed in class. However, your critique must be on a different text than the one you will be presenting in the video.

Number of words: Please indicate the number of words at the end of your work.

In your final work, you will need to :

a) Identify an important thesis defended in the text

b) Reconstruct/explain an argument of the author(s) in support of this thesis

c) Critically evaluate*

* Critically evaluating does not necessarily mean disagreeing with the author. Critically evaluating is: writing what you think and, more importantly, why - that is, defending your point of view with good arguments, or making a relevant connection between the author's thesis and/or argument and something else, such as a legal or social controversy or personal experience or a political or other debate. More specifically, then, you have three options for the critical appraisal part:

1. You may argue that the author's argument is not convincing (or is incomplete) and explain why you think this. For example, you might argue that the premises of the argument do not support the conclusion, or that some of the premises are wrong.

2. You can argue that the argument is good/convincing and explain why you think that. For example, you may argue that the argument is better than other arguments supporting the same thesis, or that the argument is better than arguments supporting the opposite thesis. You can also explain how the argument could be made even stronger, i.e., more solid and convincing.

3. You may choose to identify a relevant connection between the thesis/argument you have chosen to discuss and something outside the course, and clearly explain the connection you see between the two. The connection may be between the text and: something you learned in another university course, or something that concerns your personal life, or current events, or a political/social debate, or a legal matter (in Canada or elsewhere). Here's a tip: ask yourself, 'What issue does this text illuminate, or what does this text help me think more deeply about? (This will probably require you to think deeply about the issue and research to make a relevant connection).

Your critical work must include a minimum of 2 secondary references. References will be very useful for the critical evaluation part of your text. Feel free to use them to support your ideas. Always add your references clearly in the text (in brackets or footnotes, as well as in the bibliography).

The evaluation criteria for critical work are the following: clarity, conciseness, precision and structure of the text, intellectual charity in the presentation of ideas and critical evaluation, relevance of the ideas discussed to the text under study and the objectives of your analysis, presence and relevant use of secondary references and concrete examples to illustrate the ideas, absence of verbiage or comments that are not necessary to your analysis or topic. If you choose the third option for the critical appraisal portion, you will be evaluated for the quality, accuracy and relevance of the link you make and your explanation of that link.

In addition to the "absolute" quality of your critical work, you will also be evaluated on the basis of the relative improvement between your first draft and the final version of your work. (See the "Word on how your final work will be assessed" in the next section for more details).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Critical Work
The use and possession of many drugs in the United States are considered a criminal offense. Additionally, production, distribution, and use of some drugs such as marijuana are punishable crimes, and offenders can be imprisoned. The justification to punish drug users may often be questioned because imprisonment is not morally justified for people with drug use problems. Incarceration may be regarded as a harsh penalty because drug use is harmless to other people and is also less harmful to the user. Furthermore, the legal schemes implemented to punish the drug users for achieving another objective, such as discouraging and deterring people from using drugs in the future, violate justice principles. On the other side, it may be argued that punishing persons involved in the production and distribution of heroin may help prevent the rise of usage and the consequent impact of drug abuse among young people. In Reasons to Criminalize Drug Use, the authors successfully argue that recreational drug users should not be criminalized because the government cannot protect people’s health by punishing them, criminalizing drugs does not reduce health risks, criminalizing drug users does not protect adolescents from drugs, and does not reduce violent crimes.
The Debate
In the U.S., when an individual is found in possession of drugs, it is usually deemed as a criminal offense. The justification of such an offense is usually quite a grey area, as it involves having to weigh it against a number of other felonies therein. In the work The Legalization of Drugs, the two authors offer a differing perspective on the two. The work offers a philosophical approach and dissection of the issue of drug legalization or criminalization.
Husak and de Marneffe (2005) argue that protecting peoples’ health does not provide the reason to punish drug users. Certainly, it is true that drugs can be bad for one’s health and may contribute to physical and psychological problems. Wani & Sankar (2016) assert that drugs may alter one’s cognition, behaviors, and general body capacities. Further, drugs can cause socio-psychological issues such as addiction (Wani & Sankar, 2016). However, although drugs have negative implications for the users, this is not a guarantee that the government should criminalize drug use. Criminalization will have both the good and bad side. By criminalizing it, a lot of grey areas will emerge, which will further mean that there is a serious essence of performing a delicate balancing act by the government on this matter.
The government has an obligation to protect the citizens’ health and cannot achieve this obligation by punishing the people whose health it should protect. Some government agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration protects the customers by ensuring they are not provided with unfit products for consumption. In the case of unfit products, the penalties are given to sellers of contaminated food products, but the consumers are not taken to jail for taking unhealthy foods. Therefore, the thought of punishing people because of risking their health is not acceptable or advisable. A lot of effort need to be channeled towards the supply chain, from the manufacturers to the distributors, so as to find out which exactly, is the source of it all, then finding ways to deal with the menace right from the source. The consumers are just the end users, innocent victims of a bigger, unseen player in the background.
Moreover, criminalization of drug use may improve individuals’ health, but it is not a guarantee for reducing the risk that burdens the country’s health resources. The resource has effectively stated that criminalization can help in facilitating health by deterring drug users from persistent unhealthy behaviors and individuals may be shocked by the punishment given to them thus avoiding lifestyle practices that would threaten their well-being. In other situations, punishments would deter non-drug users from engaging in drug abuse. Sung (2003) explains that imprisoned individuals are rehabilitated and this would help in treating drug use behaviors. Rehabilitating them will help in the process of reintroducing them back into the society.
It is however, necessary to note that this view may be incorrect because the health of prisoners sent to prison may not improve. Researchers have found that approximately 10% of incarcerated prisoners use illicit drugs (Husak & de Marneffe, 2005). Furthermore, O’Hagan & Hardwick (2017) explain that worldwide drug dependence among male inmates varies from 10% to 48% and that between 30% and 60% for incarcerated females. Alternatively, it would be argued that there are other practices that increase individuals’ health risks more than drug use. For instance, poor driving habits result in nearly one million deaths, and twenty to fifty million people are injured every year through road accidents (Mohammed, Ambak, Mosa & Syamsunur, 2019). Therefore, looking at the whole thing from this perspective reveals various aspects of risks to health and life in general. The high number of accidents increases the cost of healthcare worldwide as governments have to p...
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