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Essay: Ethnic Violence in DRC

Essay Instructions:

Using the key issues identified over the course of the semester, identify a problem within your country

(i.e., the country you use for bi-weekly updates). You are free to focus on one problem or a multiplicity

of interrelated problems.Your identification of the problem and your plan of action should not exceed 2000 words.

The topic country I have already selected is uploaded in the files about the problem.Article: Aljazeera. (2020, September 28). Fragile hopes of peace in DRC’s conflict-scarred Ituri province. Aljazeera. https://www(dot)aljazeera(dot)com/features/2020/9/28/fragile-hopes-in-dr-congos-ituri-province-scarred-by-conflict Please read the Media Appraisal 2 first before begin.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethnic Violence in DRC
Student’s Name
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Course Name and Number
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Assignment Due Date
Part 1: A letter to the President
H.E. Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo,
President of the Democratic Republic of Congo,
Office of the President of the Republic,
Palace of the Nation,
Gombe, Kinshasa.
November 24, 2020.
Your Excellency,
Re: Ethnic-based Conflict in Congo
History is again repeating itself in the northeastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). There is a high risk of intensifying the ethnic violence between the Lendu and Hema, and the government’s plan to address the issue seems to be failing. There is no doubt that the Nations Stabilization Mission in the Congo (MONUSCO) is failing to achieve its core mandate of stabilizing and protecting the civilians. Thousands of people are being displaced, and a lot more are dying as a result of this ethnic violence. Survivors are struggling to put food on the table due to the alarming rate of poverty in the regions. There are no jobs, no conducive environment to conduct business, and no peace in the northeastern region. Currently, the economic condition in Ituri province is a mess.
Mr. President, your people, had confidence in you when you took an oath of office in 2017. On your inauguration day, you promised the people of the DRC that each citizen would enjoy their fundamental rights. However, the northeastern part of the country seems to deny people their fundamental rights, including life, employment, and education. The conflict has stopped all activities in Ituri as many people fear for their lives while others seek asylum in peaceful neighboring countries. As I speak, more than 4.5 million people have been displaced from their legitimate homes, topping the list of countries with most IDPs in Africa. More than 826 000 are seeking refuge in other parts of Africa. As a president, you have the opportunity, the mandate, and the power to ensure that your government embarks on reestablishing the country. However, this cannot be done when peace is lacking in the country. The Lendu and Hema tribes must first unite to create peace in Ituri. Mr president, tension continues to remain high in Ituri province due to horrific violence witnessed in the recent months and years. Unfortunately, the underlying tensions have not been addressed, and perpetrators remain at large.
What worries me the most is that some government security forces have participated in committing abuses against the civilians they need to protect instead of working to restore security. Senior political and intelligence officials and security force officers have supported, orchestrated, and manipulated armed groups across the nation to gain control of the rich resources. To worsen the situation, officials from neighboring countries have also supported, financed, and militarized the abusive armed groups in the country. Senior officials most responsible for the acts have been protected, rewarded, and promoted instead of being charged for their misdeeds. The absence of independence of the judicial system means that many of these perpetrators feel they are untouchable.
Mr. President, it is time to rebuild the country before it is too late. Call the leaders of thee communities on the drawing board. Discuss with them on equitable sharing of resources and governance. Solve the issue peacefully, and begin the journey of stabilizing the nation. No more blood needs to be shed. DRC has taken this approach, but no good has come with it. Instead, the country continues to be in ruins. With your commitment, power, and confidence, the country will enjoy the peace that many citizens have never seen since they were born. Please, find the attached plan of action that details my suggested solution to the ethnic conflicts n DRC.
Part 2: Suggested Solutions
The ethnic violence in Ituri, DRC, fueled by the fight for natural resources, has left thousands dead and millions displaced. The economy of the province has also devastated, and no one is thinking of living in Ituri unless the government settles peace in the region. To find solutions to the conflicts, the government must first address the root causes of the violence. Doing so helps in ending the existing instability and preventing new circles of war. It is also necessary to develop strategies to rebuild the economy, communities, and livelihoods.
Hellmüller (2014) noted that building and consolidating peace forms a critical condition for the success and sustainability of the post-war agenda of economic reconstruction. This shows a strong bond between peace and economic development. As such, the DRC should design and implement a coherent national peacebuilding plan to identify and address the root causes of ethnic violence in the country (Mhandara, 2020). Therefore, president Tshisekedi's administration should prioritize peace restoration in the northeastern region of DRC.
One of the primary solutions to this problem is engaging in disarmament negotiations. In this case, the president needs to focus on disarming the Congo Development Cooperative (CODECO) militias and their allies (United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, 2020). To do so, the president will have to engage in more extensive dialogue with the Lendu and Hema tribes regarding the underlying causes of the conflicts. The president should also consult with the neighboring countries to ensure that militias and violent actors in Ituri do not receive any support from outside the country.
In addition to negotiations, the government can offer amnesty to militias, excluding actors guilty of heinous crimes who must be brought to justice. The president should try to persuade the Hema tribe to support this process even though they oppose amnesty. To accelerate this process, the government needs to facilitate and finance the dialogue between the Lendu and Hema to support the caucus of Ituri deputies (UNECA, 2020). The aim is to agree with the two tribes on disarmament and amnesty issues involving CODECO and ot...
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