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Social Sciences
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Social Classes and Inequality and the Social Theories and Concepts

Essay Instructions:

The implications for sociological analysis are endless when one opens the morning newspaper or flips through a popular magazine. This assignment is meant to get you thinking about how sociological analysis can add insight to everyday situations and our comprehension of current events. It will allow you to better appreciate the day to day applications and potential of sociology and recognize how useful some of the sociological concepts we've been learning in class may be to help better understand the world around us.

You will be expected to hand in a short (2-4 page) paper in which you use a sociological theory and applicable information from a chapter in your textbook in order to analyze the way by which an article in the popular media presents an example of social stratification. Because there are multiple ways by which we can be stratified, you should choose one of the following broad topics below:

Social Class and Inequality (Chapter 7)

Global Inequality (Chapter 8) Sex and Gender (Chapter 10)

Race and Ethnicity (Chapter 9)

Paper Expectations:

• Choose one of the topics listed above and find a popular media article (newspaper, magazine, pamphlet, etc.) that relates to your corresponding topic.

• The article you choose should be way by which we are stratified. It should NOT be a discussion of either stratification or one of the topics above in a general/broad sense. I would be more than happy to take a quick look at the article (before the due date for the assignment) in order to make sure that it is appropriate. News stories or newsmagazine articles that describe an event or are a narrative work best. Please do not choose an opinion piece.

• I DO NOT want you to find an article from a peer reviewed (academic) journal. Your article should be something that is easily found and read in our everyday lives. I would prefer that you use print (as opposed to online) sources, but using something online is fine, as long as you would be able to find it on a newsstand. I recommend that you check with me before you begin your assignment if you have found an article from an online source.

• After finding your article, you will write a 2-4 page paper in which you analyze it using one of the following theories: symbolic interactionism. conflict theories, or functionalism. You should use either information from the chapter that corresponds to your topic and/or chapter 1 to demonstrate in your paper that you understand the theory and can apply it to help better understand the information in your article. The best papers will use one of the major sociological theories about which we have spent the semester discussing to answer the "why' or "wha€' behind your article.

• In addition to a theory, you will also choose, describe, and apply one concept from the chapter that corresponds to your topic.

• For both the theory and the concept, make sure to bold or underline the terms you are using.

• Although you are discouraged from using any source other than your textbook and your article, if you do, you MUST cite.

• Your paper should include the following:

• an introductory section/paragraph in which you briefly encapsulate what you will be discussing in the paper; you should say very specifically the main idea of your article, what concept and theory you will use, and how you will apply these terms to your article.

• a section (approximately 1-3 paragraphs) in which you briefly summarize what is discussed in the article (remember that you MUST cite when you summarize, paraphrase, and quote);

• the bulk of the paper should be dedicated to discussing the (symbolic interactionism, conflict theories, OR functionalism) AND concept (from the associated chapter) you will be using and applying those terms to your article in order to reach a deeper level of understanding of the information presented in your popular media source.

• In this section, you must show a clear understanding of whatever concept or theory you're using by very clearly defining/explaining the information from your textbook. You want to be sure to give your article context by laying a clear theoretical or conceptual foundation.

Using information from your chapter, you should be able to say something interesting and insightful about your article that may not necessarily have been apparent at first read of the popular news article. The information in your text should help you to answer "why is this situation so" in a way that goes beyond the information given in your popular article. Spend time really digging into the article through the use ofyour theoretical or conceptual framework.

• Some possible questions to consider while writing the paper include: How can sociological information add insight to the information presented in the article?; Do you have a new or different understanding of the information in the article based on the information provided in your textbook?; Is the presentation of your article consistent with the information provided in your book?

• finally, a conclusion in which you summarize if/how sociological knowledge has helped you to better understand the information in the popular news story that you chose. State specifically what insight you think you were able to gain by applying sociological concepts/theories to something you may read in your "everyday" life.

General Requirements:

• Make sure Co include the article with your paper@r a readable photocopy ofit). Your paper will not be counted as complete unless I have received a copy of the article about which you are writing.

• You need to include a references section in which you cite your popular media article and your textbook The "references" section in the back of your text book gives you a good guideline to follow regarding how to cite appropriately. Please ask if you would like some guidance on citation procedures. (You will lose points on your paper if you do not cite the information you use and include a references page!)

• The paper should be typed, 12-point font, double spaced. Although I recommend that your paper be between 2-4 pages, I am more interested in quality than quantity.

• You must hand in your assignment on the date listed above. Late papers are highly discouraged and will receive points off for each day they are late.

• I will also NOT accept papers via e-mail (unless you receive prior written/e-mailed permission from me ahead of time). Do not e-mail me your assignment and expect it to be counted.

• The synthesis of the information in your book and the article should be your own. original work. If you use any outside information, including from the text book and the article, you must cite accordingly! I take plagiarism very seriously. If you have plagiarized any portion of your paper it is grounds for failing the course and may lead to further sanctions.

• Read, re-read, and re-read. Make sure that you have proofread your paper! Pay particular attention to spelling and grammar. Use this paper as a way to practice getting your writing very clear and concise.

Please come to see me with any questions that you may have about the assignment including appropriate articles, synthesis of the information in the text with the information in the article, writing issues, or anything else about which you may need help or clarification. I will absolutely welcome the opportunity to get to know you better and help you to make the most out of this writing exercise.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Classes and Inequality
Course code
Social Classes and Inequality
A society's system of classification of its people based on socioeconomic factors is called stratification. The classifications rely on their racial, gender, economic status, among others. In this paper, I will cover the issue of differences in social classes and how they contribute to inequality. I will demonstrate how cultural socialization and conflict theory plays a significant role in social disparity.
An article in the New York Times narrates the ordeal of Pamela Rush, who lived in Bloody Lowndes, Alabama. The county derived its name from the racist and violent history of the place. It was an area inhabited by poor blacks who were descendants of the slaves that worked the farms. According to Catherine Coleman Flowers, Pamela, a 42-year-old mother, lived in abject poverty, money paid to her for child support and disability. She lived in a dilapidated trailer she had obtained on a mortgage. Even after twenty-four years, the mortgage was payment not settled in full—interest accumulated to unimaginable levels.
The advent of the Covid-19 pandemic in Lowndes County spelled doom for Pamela and her poor neighbors. The disease swept through the black community in alarming numbers. Within a short time, Lowndes topped Alabama in coronavirus cases. Due to their poverty levels, social distancing was not achievable. Besides, the people lived from hand to mouth, so they had to work. Unfortunately, their economic status could not allow them to work from home, and so they were exposed to the risk of contracting the virus.
Pamela fell victim to the dreaded disease, and she succumbed after a few days in the hospital. Despite the cause of her death being recorded as Covid-19, the actual unwritten ca...
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