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Meaningful Earlier and Current Songs

Essay Instructions:

This week's assigned film, Alive Inside, explored how music deeply shapes our memories and identities, and showed people re-discovering music that had been meaningful to them at a much earlier time in their life. Although the film focused on dementia patients, music has this power for all of us, shaping our sense of self, and creating powerful shared experiences with others.

For this assignment, first choose two songs or pieces of music (with or without lyrics): 1) One that you remember as being meaningful to you during your childhood or an earlier period of life, and 2) One that you imagine yourself, 30+ years from now, remembering as being meaningful from this current time in your life. They could be songs that you especially enjoyed or identified with, or that you associate with an important memory, place, or people.

Spend some time listening to each song, and taking notes on the details of the sounds you hear (after reading the questions below). Then, for each song, write a paragraph addressing the following 2 questions:

Why is the song especially meaningful for you?

How do you think those meanings, and the emotions you associate with the song, relate to the details of how the music sounds? After listening carefully to the song a few times, describe some of the details in the sounds that you notice: What aspects of the music's rhythms, melodies, harmonies, or timbres do you think most affect your emotional experience of the song and what it means to you?

Describing sound can be challenging, and is also subjective; the point of this exercise is not to produce the "correct" answer, but to practice listening closely for sonic details, and to write your response in a way that reflects this kind of close listening and careful thought. You are not required to use the technical terms discussed in the Levitin reading and Patel videos, but you might find them helpful to consider.

Be sure to revise your writing carefully, to ensure you are expressing your ideas clearly and correcting grammar and spelling errors. Writing quality is more important than word quantity, but your response should be roughly 400-600 words (i.e. 200-300 words per paragraph). Label the 2 paragraphs as "Earlier time song" and "Current time song," and provide a link to each song if available.

Note: The most common mistake that people make in submitting this assignment is that they talk about why each song is meaningful to them, but ignore the 2nd question above about sonic qualities. Be sure to read and address both questions above carefully, for each song.

Grading Criteria

To earn a grade of Complete, your response must meet the following criteria:

For each song/piece, you address both questions explained in the prompt above, not only describing why the song is meaningful to you, but also discussing the sounds in a way that reflects careful listening.

It does not contain significant grammar or spelling errors, and reflects time spent revising your writing. If it has extensive grammar problems and the meanings of some statements are not clear, the TA will ask you to revise it.

It follows the basic instruction explained above: 2 songs/pieces of music, labelled "current song" and "earlier song," with roughly 200-300 words for each (total 400-600 words).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Music Analysis
Institution Affiliation
Earlier Song
The song I enjoyed in my earlier life and identified with was by Don Williams, Come from the heart ( 2011). While growing up, my parents were country music lovers. Whenever we were at home or taking a holiday, country music played in the background. I developed a huge liking for country music, with my favorite artists being Dolly Parton, Don Williams, Ken Rogers, Randy Travis, and Crystal Gyle. At a younger age, I struggled in academics, especially mathematics. My mother kept motivating me to work hard, and regardless of the grade, she would be proud of me as long as I did the work. One summer evening, I was almost giving up, and then the song by Don Williams Come from Heart played on the radio. The lyrics resonated with me that if it has to work, you gotta do it from the heart. 
I remember that evening, the song played several times, and I was motivated to work harder. Listening to the music again, the gentle voice and tune are so comforting one wants to keep listening. The tune and rhythm give the song a melodic resolution, making the song relevant and sweet. In addition, toward the end of the song, the high tone and background provide the song with a harmonious end that emphasizes the message in the music. Further, the lyrics are beautifully written to create a ...
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