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Understanding Others: Experiencing a Loss and Cultural Considerations of Loss

Essay Instructions:

Text Book: Judith Murray (2016). Understanding Loss: A Guide for Caring for Those Facing Adversity.

CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF INTERVIEW (35 Points) - In this 4-5 page written assignment, the student will interview two (2) separate individuals regarding the topics below. **Please note the student will choose two (2) interview topics. The overall length of the assignment includes both written analyses from the interviews conducted. The student should assure the individual being interviewed that the information shared will be held in confidence, except for the written summary that will only be shared with the course instructor. If further confidence is needed, the student can change the name for the assignment. Please refer to the interview options chosen in the assignment.

Choose two (2) of the following to discuss:

Option 1: Experiencing a Loss

Interview one person of your choosing about a loss they have experienced in the past and about how they coped with a loss they had in their life.

Discuss the loss with them by asking contextual questions (what, when, how, where).

How did they cope emotionally with this loss?

***Directly address concepts from the textbook (Chapter 4 – 6). Please cite textbook.

Example: Primary and secondary losses, resilience, grief, etc.

Explore if anyone or anything (spirituality, etc.) helped them cope with this loss.

What did they do that seemed to be helpful or unhelpful?

What surprised them by their loss or reaction from this loss?

Finally, share your own reflections, thoughts, and/or insights from the interview and course materials.

Option 2: Cultural Considerations of Loss

Interview a colleague, friend, or family member to describe a cultural, religious, or ethnic tradition or ritual that is associated with death and/or bereavement. For example, you might ask a Jewish colleague to describe what happens after someone dies and through the first month after the death or you might ask a colleague from Egypt to describe the funeral and bereavement customs in their country of origin.

Discuss the loss and cultural considerations with them by asking contextual questions (what, when, how, where).

How does their culture influence how they describe their experience or knowledge of loss?

***Directly address concepts from the textbook (Chapter 7, 8, and 9). Please cite textbook.

Example: Spiritual beliefs, external factors that affect grieving, purpose and/or meaning according to culture.

Explore if anything according to their culture influenced the way they handled or viewed their loss.

Cultural traditions, rituals, etc.

Finally, share your own reflections, thoughts, and/or insights from the interview and course materials.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Understanding Others
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Institutional Affiliations
Course Name and Number
Due Date
Understanding Others
Option 1: Experiencing a Loss
Experiencing the loss of a loved one can be a devastating experience. In this interview involving a wife who lost her husband six months ago in my neighborhood, it became evident that people deal with grief differently. After interacting with the interviewee, she indicated that she lost her husband of 56 years to a tragic road accident that also left her nursing serious injuries on her left leg and hip. Although she has been managing and improving over time, she remembers that it was initially difficult for her to deal with the absence of her life partner in such a gruesome manner. As a result, she indulged in alcohol intake for almost a month while recuperating at home, an aspect that also threatened her life. She also highlighted that it remains traumatizing whenever she recalls the events leading to the loss of her husband. Her concerns are consistent with Murray’s (2016) observation that the primary loss involves the physical absence of the husband while the secondary one comprises dealing with accident-related trauma.
Interaction with her close relative was one of the supports that helped her to overcome her loss. She indicated that her children and relatives frequently visited her to comfort her for over three months. Their presence was a significant pillar in assisting her in coping with the emotional impacts of the loss. Her responses also indicate that she received outstanding support from a faith-based group that extends their services to widows and widowers to assist them in stabilizing after the sudden loss of their loved ones. This aspect reflects Murray’s (2016) observation of the role of spirituality in overcoming grief. It was encouraging to learn that this group has interacting meetings and activities that bring together individuals with common losses to share their strengths and support each other in the process. Her participation in these events was transformative because they shifted her attention from using alcohol as a form of dealing with grief to embracing more constructive approaches to addressing the same problem. The outcome of this change was that she improved significantly, although she still feels traumatized about the accident, representing a secondary loss.
The interviewee revealed that she was concerned about the constant flashbacks of the accident. This aspect pushed her to initially rely on alcohol as her form of combating the traumatic event. According to Murray (2016), such occurrences are commonplace among individuals experiencing loss. The author indicates that these events can prolong the grieving period. She narrated experiencing a sense of helplessness and fear that made her blame her husband for leaving her vulnerable in life. However, she was surprised at how fast she transitioned from this susceptible state to accept the loss and understanding that such events represent nature designs when interacting with her support group. Murray (2016) refers to this progress as integration. It marks the recovery from a traumatic experience.
The respondent’s journey after her loss, the struggles, and the strengths were inspirational and insightful of the strategies people employ while dealing with loss. It was informative to learn that people...
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