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2 pages/≈550 words
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Effects of COVID-19 on Healthcare Professionals, Institutions, and Technology

Essay Instructions:

start with the introduction and then 3 paragraphs, in each of them answer to each of the questions, and add conslusion.

1. Reflect upon the ways in which COVID-19 has impacted the health care professionals in your community, both positively and negatively.

2. Reflect upon the ways in which COVID-19 has impacted, changed and re-ordered health care institutions in your community.

3. Reflect upon the ways in which COVID-19 has impacted health technology, in terms of testing, research, therapeutics and vaccinations in your community.

make sure to use the links that im uploading and there is no plagriasim.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Effects of COVID-19 on Healthcare Professionals, Institutions and Technology
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Professor's Name
Effects of COVID-19 on Healthcare Professionals, Institutions and Technology
The COVID-19 pandemic revolutionized operations in the healthcare sector. The routine operations in healthcare facilities changed, and safety measures were prioritized. The caution and need to stay safe extended to homesteads and other public places aiming to tackle the pandemic's effects. Healthcare professionals changed their operating hours and faced the dilemma of handling an alien pandemic they had never interacted with anywhere in the past. Healthcare institutions adjusted their operations to accommodate patients beyond their capacity. On the other hand, technology was fast developed to help solve the healthcare crisis. Therefore, the COVID-19 pandemic made healthcare professionals suffer psychologically from overworking, dealing with a disease whose treatment was unknown, and straining healthcare institutions financially. However, it led to improved healthcare technology in the healthcare sector.
Healthcare professionals suffered psychologically from their experience with the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic was new, and no professional had interacted with it. This means no information about its prevention or curation existed in healthcare studies. This prompted healthcare professionals to quickly study the behavior of the patients and advice on how the public could prevent themselves from the pandemic (Ornell et al., 2020). This meant risking their lives because they also interacted with the patients while figuring out how to treat them. The healthcare professionals also had to overwork because many patients were admitted and overwhelmed the medical personnel on duty. Therefore, overworking and dealing with a new condition that killed people with healthcare professionals watching helplessly affected them psychologically
The COVID-19 pandemic overwhelmed healthcare institutions. People were affected in large numbers exceeding the capacity of healthcare facilities. No treatment plans or preventive measures were available during the pandemic's initial stages. Th...
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