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Analysis of a Cultural Work: Grey Anatomy's Stronger Than Hate

Essay Instructions:

The cultural work I chose was the Grey's Anatomy season 18 episode 18 called Stronger Than Hate.

Describe the work in detail. Consider the following:

Where did you see the work?

What elements or characteristics stand out to you?

Describe the purpose of the work. Consider the following:

What do you think the creator intended to express?

Were they successful?

Use the work to explore how acts of creative expression impact and are impacted by the people and situations that surround them. Consider the following:

What contributions does the work selected make to continuing a dialogue about that culture and the importance of its works?

State questions you have after thinking deeply about this work. What more do you want to know regarding the following?

The relationship between culture and expression: What is the relationship between the possible intent of the creator and your own interpretation of its meaning?

Explain how your values have shaped and are shaped by your expression and that of others.

Explain how you would approach answering these questions:

What would you study about this work that might address the questions you stated?

Where would you find information to address the questions?

Next, draw conclusions about how the work you selected relates to the humanities:

Explain why you believe humans have a need to express themselves through created works of cultural and historical significance. Describe a culture shift or event related to the work you selected. This could be a cultural shift that influenced the creation of the work, or it could be a cultural shift that came about because of it. Explain how a concept or resource you encountered in this course has informed your explanation. Be sure to cite any sources used. Explain how you think the act of human creative expression impacts and is impacted by the culture in which it was created. Explain the relationship between human creative expression and the culture in which the work you selected was created using the insights you gained from studying it. Explain how a concept or resource you encountered in this course has informed your explanation. Be sure to cite any sources used. Explain how you believe human creative expression can impact issues we deal with in the present day (contemporary to your coursework, not the future scenario posed above). Be sure to be specific about the issues you are addressing. Use the insights you gained from studying the work you selected to explain how creative expression can impact today’s issues. Explain how a person or concept encountered in your study of the humanities has informed your explanation. Be sure to cite any sources used.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Analysis of A cultural Work
Institutional Affiliation
Course Title
Professor's Name
Grey's Anatomy Season 18 Episodes 18
The cultural work selected is Grey's Anatomy Season 18 Episode 18, which is referred to as the "Stronger than Hate" episode. Episode 18 is important as it depicts a scene where a shocking hate crime occurs on an Asian. The major focus of this episode is to try to save a patient who is a hate crime victim. In a world where social media is being used as a platform to educate people on the need to avoid different types of discrimination based on race or religion, one would think that hate crimes would be a thing of the past (Relia, 2019). Conversely, minority groups of individuals are still hospitalized today; some even die before getting the needed medical care because of hate crimes. As a result, the paper will discuss how this cultural work helps to portray the negative consequences of hate crime.
According to Zhang (2022), hate crimes globally are mainly motivated by bias against a person's race or nationality. In this episode, the main objective is to portray rising anti-Asian sentiments, and this seems to have increased after the COVID-19 pandemic. In this scene, an anti-Asian hate crime victim is brought to the hospital, and it looks like she will not survive. At Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital, the doctors work effortlessly to save the victim's life as most healthcare providers realize that the patient is a victim of a hate crime. In the operating room, doctors start narrating the various challenges they face as young individuals because of their race. Dr. Michelle Lin says that she felt the urge to use her mother's make-up to look white as a child. She felt that she was different and that being different was not good enough for the world.
In the same episode, Dr. Nico Kim asked Dr. Michelle Lin whether she thought there would be a time when they would stop being seen as foreigners. Through this perspective shared by the doctors in the operating room, it is clear that the minority were being attacked just because of their race. Furthermore, the major conversation among the health care providers is about how Asians are being wrongly accused of causing COVID. As a result, many Asians have suffered at the hands of a few individuals who think causing harm to a few minorities is the right thing to do. Although the victim of the hate crime in this episode survives, one can see the amount of damage caused to other Asians in the hospital. The worst part was that despite people witnessing the crime, no video was taken, nor did anyone come to the defense of the victim. Thus, the woman suffered at the hands of hate crime offenders without anyone coming to her aid.
Additionally, this episode of "Stronger than Hate" played a vital role in educating the public on the need to be vigilant. In the modern world, people are expected to be more sympathetic and vigilant (Relia, 2019). However, this is not the case, especially for individuals that assume that a given minority group of people causes a given bad situation. In this case, the assumption that Asians caused COVID-19 drove individuals to commit hate crimes for revenge and retribution. The adverse effects are that innocent people end up suffering at the hands of such hate crime offenders. Therefore, this television show depicts the fact that hate crime is an issue that continues to exist.
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