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Confidentiality Laws on Abuse and Mental Health Treatment

Essay Instructions:

Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions by Corey, Corey and Callanan (8th edition)

The student will submit confidentiality laws paper

The student will write a 4 page paper on confidentiality laws including CFR-42 which is for substance abuse treatment; include mental health treatment

- The student will write a 4 page paper on confidentiality laws including CFR-42 which is for substance abuse treatment; include mental health treatment; this must have a minimum of 2 references which can be journal articles, websites, textbooks, this will help the student understand the laws that govern sharing of information in the human service, medical and educational fields

This will include defining confidentiality as well as HIPAA, FERPA, and the CFR-42

Why are these important

What happens if these are not followed

What is CFR-42 and how is it different than HIPAA and confidentiality?

Barriers to these aspects if any


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Confidentiality Law
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Confidentiality Law
With the changes in society and technological advancements, privacy has become a premium need for most people. It seems as if technology has slowly but gradually rendered privacy a thing of the past, making confidentiality noble. Still, even without the intrusive nature of technology, confidentiality has been part and parcel of human society, with laws put in place to protect or safeguard the same. Confidentiality rules become quite complicated when it comes to drug abuse and mental health matters. This is because there is usually a class between the confidentiality rules relating to sharing of information between mental health providers concerning the confidentiality rules between the various states.
Rehabilitation and mental health institutions are usually expected to work as a unit, especially when it involves chronic cases. They are supposed to share information and records about patients if there is any transfer program or for the sake of ensuring the best possible method of handling the patients. They are supposed to do this while upholding the fundamental human values of their patients. Fundamental values of human service sectors include dignity, the welfare of all, honoring diversity, ensuring honesty, and respecting privacy. Different laws or policies have been instituted to ensure confidentiality in service provision, including HIPAA, CFR-42, and FERPA. Safeguarding information gathered in the domain of human service relationships is paramount towards the acknowledgment of the rights of every individual.
As a concept, confidentiality is about individual privacy and respect for people’s wishes. In human services, information shared within established relationships is not meant to be shared beyond the defined boundaries or parties involved (Corey, Corey & Callanan, 2010). For instance, in the helping process, what a client tells a social worker, should not be revealed to others, and it’s a professional’s responsibility to keep exchanged details confidential. Confidentiality also extends to other fields, such as education, where the information about a student is supposed to be kept private by the school unless it gets shared under extraordinary circumstances (Corey, Corey & Callanan, 2010). Parents and guardians might share such information with the institution to ensure their children are handled properly or understood in a given way.
Examples of confidentiality laws include the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), such as the CFR-42, which governs the privacy of patients with substance use disorder (SUD). For years, federal laws have protected the rights to privacy of individuals seeking treatment for substance abuse in federally assisted programs (Campbell et al., 2019). Confidentiality is the cornerstone of health intervention and relationships for such a population. Strict confidentiality protection means clients can share data about their past and present drug use without worrying the information could be used against them by the police, judges, social workers, or employers. As an element of privacy, the law is quite strict on it.
Another confidentiality law is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Just like CFR-42, HIPAA is also a federal regulation established in 1996 and demands the creation of standards to protect patient health information from being exposed without owners’ consent (Reamer, 2018). The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) generally works to safeguard the transmission of electronic records. HIPAA and CFR-42 laws stipulate that individuals are entitled to confidentiality unless they permit information disclosure. HIPAA appl...
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