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How LGBTQ Populations are Being Impacted by Campus Sexual Assault in the United States?

Essay Instructions:

Please choose ONE of the options below. Choose EITHER A, B, OR C. Please do not complete all of them.
This should be 6 FULL pages, double spaced, font 12, Times New Roman.
Please do not rewrite any of the questions in your answers. You should number your answers so I can be clear when you are moving onto the next question, but do not rewrite the question.
You do not need to write your name, the date, the course, etc on your paper. Please only include:
If you are choosing question A or B or C
If you are choosing B or C, make sure to list which country
Begin answering the questions
A. How LGBTQ populations are being impacted by campus sexual assault in the United States
B. How LGBTQ populations are being impacted by sexual violence in a specific country 
C. Domestic violence and LGBTQ populations in a specific country
You will then research and describe the problem:
You want to answer questions about prevalence, frequency, and duration (e.g. How often does the problem occur? How long has this been going on? Has the problem worsened over time? etc ). Make sure to include statistics here (WITH CITATIONS), and you may want to provide anecdotal examples if applicable
In what ways are issues related to intersectionality/intersecting identities relevant? Choose at least two identities. For example, race, class, age, etc
List and describe at least two different systems, institutions, or processes that contribute to this issue/problem
What is currently being done to change this problem? List and describe and least three things (consider laws, non-profit organizations, etc)
What else should happen to decrease this problem? 
Please use at least 3 different citations within your paper and provide full references/works cited at the end of your paper.
Writer may choose whichever topic they find most appealing.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Sexual violence has a major impact on every group and the community at large. These include gay, transgender, lesbian and bisexual (LGBTQ) populations. It is important to consider that the gay, lesbians and bisexual people in learning institutions experience soaring rates of sexual violence than heterosexuals in the United States (Woodford, Howell, Silverschanz, & Yu, 2012). According to a survey conducted by the CDCs National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence, it was established that there are close to 45% of lesbians and 60 % of bisexual women who experience rapes, stalking by intimate partners and physical violence (CDCs National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence, 2010)
On the other hand, the survey also found that close to 27% of gay men and 38% of bisexual men also experience physical violence, rape and stalking as compared to 30% of heterosexual men. This clearly indicates the dangers that this population goes through within institutions of learning (Woodford, et.al.2012). It has also been noted that more than half of bisexual women and the transgender individuals end up suffering from sexual violence.
In many campuses in America, the LGBTQ population suffers from high rates of marginalization and stigma which puts the whole community at a high risk of sexual assault.These institutions also suffer from violence as a result of hatred among different types of people and which sometimes is conducted through the means of sexual assault.Additionally, the society can also cause violence between partners because of the manner in which they treat LGBTQ people that makes them feel ashamed and unwanted (Woodford, et.al.2012). When it comes to solving issues related to sexual violence, learning institutions as well as the society tends to shy away and fails to discuss its effects as well as the special needs that should be addressed to. The community does not feel the need to care for those students who survive from sexual violence or even come up with strategies that will help in the prevention of sexual assault.
It is significant to consider that National attention has recently been turned on the aspect of sexual violence among the LGBTQ population in campuses and the problems these institutions of learning face as well as the LGBTQ population. Threatened sexual assault issues among the LGBTQ in campuses in U.S have been considered to go beyond mere sexual harassment (Woodford, et.al.2012). In as much as the management and prevention of such assaults on campuses has relatively fallen in terms of procedures and policies enacted, these incidences still remain rampant and are considered as criminal offence, thus requiring medical attention and the rise of special attention in handling.
Some institutions of learning have headed in incorporating sexual assaults among the LGBTQ population into their existing policies that are developed to govern professional ethics and conduct on sexual harassment and campus violence on this population (Woodford, et.al.2012). Several institutions are currently gearing up in preventing and managing campus sexual assaults among the LGBTQ population through the development of policies and procedures that are aimed at protecting this population.
When LGBTQ individuals are discriminated by the society, a continuation of harassment by peers against is more likely to increase. Discrimination can be carried out in diverse ways including violence and homophobic epithets. It has been discovered that in classrooms among other institutions remain some of the areas where bullying and discrimination of LGBT persons occurs (Woodford, et.al.2012). As a result of discrimination and harassment, most of them end up being depressed, others engaging in risky behaviors, while others go to an extent of committing suicide. According to information provided by different researchers, it is clear that LGBT students as well as those of color are at a high risk of being battered. It has also been concluded that LGBT students were more prone to sexual violence compared to others. Additionally, lesbians and gay students are at a high possibility of being victimized sexually compared to heterosexual students.
In determining the issues related to intersectionality/intersecting identities, it is essential to establish that these relations are developed and inspired by the theories of racism, classism, and heterosexism. In America, intersectionality affects minority groups along unequal axes of gender, race, sexual orientation and class who are classified as gays, bisexuals, lesbians, and so on (Adair, 2015). According to intersectionality theorists, the identities of different individuals are classed on the basis of gender, race, sexuality and class, a factor that is carried on even in the manner in which people interact socially. The proponents of race, gender and class structure different situations but may not be equaled as a viable approach of describing a population. The recognition of the fact that a category of a people may silence another over a given period within a particular place does not provide a basis for assuming that race, class and gender are categories that can be used to analyze structures and relationships within the American society.
In this case, people are bound to experience the elements of race, gender and sexuality based on different social ...
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