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Gender Inequality and Oppression of Women Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

Within a country of your choice, you will conduct a multi-perspective analysis of a global gender issue. (For details, see ‘Guide: Final Research Paper). Student research and analysis will result in a critical research Paper that evaluates the global impact on women/gendered minorities while comparing and contrasting experiences of gender oppression with the USA. Format: 5-6 pages, typed 12-font Arial, double-spaced. Essays are to be submitted to this Turnitin dropbox. 
Writer may choose country.

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Gender Inequality and Oppression of Women
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Gender Inequality and Oppression of Women
Gender inequality is one of the issues that remain to be a puzzle in the modern society. For a long time, many scholars including the feminists have tried to discard the belief that women deserve lower status than men in the society as we are doing to racial inequality. Efforts have been put to extinguish those practices that treat women differently than men in the society. Countries have created programs that are meant to help women overcome their historical disadvantages and "catch up" with men who enjoy all the privileges in the world. Despite all the efforts, gender inequality still exists, and women are being more oppressed than before.
Over the past few decades, gender inequality has received more attention than other social issues that affect the modern society. That is because gender inequality remains to be a puzzle that nobody can crack. If we claim that there are no inherent differences between men and women and we are trying to extinguish the practices that enforce women with lower status in the society, why are we not seeing equality booming? Many scholars have argued that those who said that men and women are the same were wrong. They conclude that women are reaping the inevitable results of nature. Others say that we were wrong when we believed that the practices that oppress women have been gotten rid of, and now we are witnessing the unprincipled effects of oppression in the society. Based on the above arguments, many have questioned their reliability and whose point of view deserves to be treated as the correct one (GAPS, 2009). Behind these issues lies the problem of social theory that tries to explain social inequality. Therefore, inequality is a harder puzzle than many people could realize.
Some of the areas that have received more attention in trying to address the problem of inequality include political power, status, income, and many other aspects.
Many researchers have sought to discover how variation works and how to end it. Gender inequality has been the most important issue that influences political alliances and conflicts. All over the world governments have implemented many policies that are aimed at eliminating gender bias. Those who have not implemented have launched them, and will be implemented sooner or later. Despite all these, if one is asked to give reasons why men have a higher status in the society than women, the answers given are disappointing. The problem that needs to be explained is why men do better than women. In particular, why men usually experience more freedom and better opportunities than women? Why men occupy the top social positions in political, economic, cultural, or legal power? And finally, why men hold the posts in marriages and other direct relationships between men and women?
However, as gender identities between men and women vary across the cultures, all over males and females differ in their dressing codes, imputed natures, typical occupations, the assumed capacities and social responsibilities. Men and women have regarded to each other as unique and incomprehensible creatures in the society. The effects of their domination vary much, from going close to equality to treating females as their chattels in the society. In the modern society, we are singing of equality between the genders.
Gender inequality in USA and D.R Congo
Gender inequality persists all over the world including the USA despite numerous allegations that there is gender balance in the United States. However, its severity is not the same as other countries like D.R Congo of Africa. Statistics have shown that gender imbalance in D.R Congo persists on all domains of political, social and cultural levels. In America, there are many improvements regarding these domains where women are seen to be holding top positions in the political and social levels...
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