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Addiction in Adolescence: A Subject of Concern Research

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This week paper about Addiction Adolescence
The life of an adolescent is a pressure cooker because of academic and social demands that fill virtually every waking moment of their lives. These are the years when many adolescents struggle to meet life's demands as they traverse the challenges of the teenage years. Throughout this module/week, the basic issues of an adolescent's life such as eating disorders, teenage drinking, teen pregnancy, and the peer group will be examined. In addition to positive youth development, you will explore theories and etiology of addictions and addictive behaviors as well as strategies for prevention, intervention, and treatment. 
Broderick, P. C., & Blewitt, P. (2015). The life span: Human development for helping professionals (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

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Addiction in Adolescent
Addiction in Adolescent
Adolescence and addiction have become a subject of concern. Recent studies have shown that the adolescence age is prone to addiction of substance abuse or other activities. At adolescence, many changes occur to an individual physically, mentally, emotionally and neurologically. This time, the period is known as puberty and is defined as “…a process of sexual maturation” (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015, p. 326). During the puberty, Studies show that the teenage brain is more vulnerable to what goes around them in one’s surrounding and this could change one’s habit and behavior. “Recent discoveries about the adolescent brain have revealed changes that are less obvious externally, but no less dramatic” (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015, p. 325). According to Broderick & Blewitt (2015), changes to the brain are affected both by genetic factors and external factors. Some of the reasons why the adolescent is prone to addiction is that one is lonely from living away from home, the readily availability of illegal substances, and peer pressure; partying with fellow peers and substance abuse with fellow peers. Lack of parental guidance, personal responsibility to manage one’s actions, and lack of education are some of the primary factors that can lead to unusual behavior in an adolescent to seek other means to escape the challenges of independence, which are hard (Weish, 2012).
There are different types of addictions, from interpersonal relationships to drugs. These addictions vary in many ways although there are several reasons that bind them together. Several theories exist that model addictions. The theories include genetic theories, exposure theories, and adaptation theories. In genetic theories, studies separate environment from genetic, and studies show that a great number of offspring from alcoholic parents become alcoholics (Oksanen, 2013). In exposure theory, studies show that introducing a substance into the body on a daily basis will likely lead to addiction. In adaptation theory, environmental, psychological, and social factors are the main focus. In adaptation theory, for instance, drug users rely on those drugs so as to adapt to one’s internal needs, and pressures externally. Drugs and alcohol are consumed because there is a connection with interactions, and the situations that create the desire in the user (Oksanen, 2013).
In ancient times, addiction was believed by people to be caused by the invasion of evil spirits into the body of an individual. Since then, many theories have been advanced following one or more of the many characteristics of the addiction. Causes of addiction in adolescent have been linked to factors, which influence addiction to substance abuse, a desired thing, or activity. These factors are majorly described as biological factors, psychological factors, and contextual factors. In biological factors, addiction is linked to genetic vulnerability whereby offspring of drug abusers tend to use drugs ...
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