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Critique Appraisal on the Study on Strengths and Resources of Breast Cancer Victims

Essay Instructions:

Prepare a critical analysis of a quantitative study focusing on protection of human participants, data collection, data management and analysis, problem statement, and interpretation of findings. The quantitative research article can be from your previous literature review or a new peer-reviewed article.
Each study analysis will be 1,000-1,250 words and submitted in one document. As with the assignments in Topics 3, this should connect to your identified practice problem of interest.
Refer to the resource entitled “Research Critique Part 2.” Questions under each heading should be addressed as a narrative, in the structure of a formal paper. You are also required to include an Introduction and Conclusion

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Critique Appraisal on the Study on Strengths and Resources of Breast Cancer Victims
Institution of Affiliation
Focusing on the research article on strengths and resources employed by households in treating and coping with young ladies aged below fifty years with breast cancer, the critique appraisal was developed. The study demonstrates the strengths and resources allocated for breast cancer victims. The topics criticized include human participants’ protection, data collection, data management and analysis and findings. Breast cancer is a malignancy growth that develops in the in the breast (Taghian & Halyard, 2012). It is caused by the increase in the number of cancer cells.
Human Participants Protection in the study
The study consisted one hundred and eleven members selected from hospitals at Queensland. Among them were forty-seven women suffering from breast cancer and sixty-four family members of the victims. They were recruited voluntarily. However, others quitted, hence, leaving the number of participants to be one hundred and eleven. The study had ethical approval from hospitals involved and the university. Thus, approval from the agents in which the research took place was done. Verbal enlightenment of the research and its consequences was given to the participants (Coyne, 2013). Questionnaires, information leaf, and consent form was sent to the members via mail. Furthermore, prepaid envelopes for response were also sent. It helped minimize expenses in corresponding to the study. Confidentiality was assured to members. In the second phase, questionnaires were sent to the families of the ladies who participated in phase one. From the discussion, it is evident that there were no personal benefits to the participants. However, they did it on personal will for the interest of the society. Thus, contributed in demonstrating the strains of breast cancer to victims and family members. The risks which arose was confidentiality, but it was addressed, to the extent of not permitting self-identification.
Data collection
The study used questionnaires in data collection. Furthermore, the study used Residency Model of Family Stress due to its extensive focus on the data. Hence, enabling the study to capture information on resources and strengths of families with victims of breast cancer. The primary variable in the research was affected by a significant number of participants’ dropouts. Thus, lowering the number of members involved to one hundred and even. The dropout was due to personal reasons that were not identified in the case. The author did not directly mention the data collection period. However, she indicates that data was collected in two phases. Phase two which was the final phase came immediately after phase one, hence, marking the end of data collection.
Data collection began after identification of participants and reception of approval from the agents involved. It employed a two-phase mixed-method to scrutinize forces and funds used for managing breast cancer. In the first phase females suffering from breast cancer aged fifty years and below were identified voluntarily from five oncology entities in Australia (Coyne, 2013). Verbal enlightenment of the research and its consequ...
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