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Journal: Mediation Course

Essay Instructions:
I have to write a reflective juornal. I need 3 pages all toghether. 1 page per week. So you please read teh instruction and the sylabus.If you have any question please dont hasitate to ask me. I mised the first class.So you will write the journal from class two.I will give you some help. I will send you every detalis and I will attached everything. Instruction: Students are expected to maintain a learning journal throughout the course. This journal is to be used by you as a reflective instrument so that you will better understand your development and progress throughout the course. It is important that you maintain this journal on a regular basis. At the conclusion of class or on the next day at the latest, take a few minutes and reflect upon what you have learned and compare this with your real life experiences. Think about how your experiences may affect your training or how your training may influence your approach to similar experiences you may have in the future. Write a double-spaced journal entry of 1 page per week (New Times Roman 12 font). Point form is acceptable but please check your work for coherence. I should be able to understand the content and context that is informing your entries. Please check for typographical errors and grammar. In order to assist you, consider the following three dimensions when making your entries: i) the personal psychological dimension - your feelings and reactions to your conduct and the conduct of others; what you did and how that affected others; what others did and how that affected you and others ii) the theoretical dimension - what aspects of theory discussed today intrigued you? challenged you? what questions came to your mind? iii) the practical dimension -what are the implications of today's learning for your development as a mediator?
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Journal: Mediation Course
Lesson two: Mediation
The discussions on mediation exemplified the fact that there is a possibility for two opposing teams to be brought together under a sole proprietor. I felt good about these discussions as we participated in each group. The individual discussions summed up with class lectures reiterated the fact that mediation is a huge task which needs enough preparation and expertise of the mediator. My group members reacted and responded well to the questions and issues of concern. I had to take part in explaining various concepts and issues pertaining mediation. My sentiments were taken positively by the group members. Each member was assigned different roles. Some expounded on scenarios as we looked and assessed them. I enjoyed the entire learning process.
There are various aspects of the theory learnt which intrigued me. It is quite challenging to implement some principles of mediation which are often used by organizations. This is when negotiate through challenges and problems. The continuum of dispute management and resolution posed some challenges to be solved since they often entail tedious and complicated approaches of negotiating two opposing teams or individuals (Beer and Packard, 2012). Moreover, I got influenced by the appropriateness of mediation since within the small group I was; we had to involve principles of negotiation in order to overhaul the problems which were facing the group.
It is quite imperative that the lesson has imparted in me some specific aspects of mediation. I am well convinced that I will develop to be a mediator of all times. The lesson enabled me to engage in various principles of mediation, some of which I will be able to apply in my own management and response to conflicting issues. As a mediator, I will be able to appreciate the procedures of mediation, the needs to mediate, and how well to mediate in the case of a crisis in the society or place of work (Sloan and Chicanot, 2011).
Lesson three: Mediation Process Framework
Mediation takes some legibility processes. I got to enjoy the representation of these processes throughout the learning period. I particularly had a positive perception of any process which came my way. The behavior of my fellow group members was not a big bother to me as we engaged in discussions regarding the various possible processes of mediation. In the mean time, I explored some processes and their possible imperative approaches as identification of the issues which necessitate mediation. This got well with my group members. They engaged in other processes which expanded my knowledge and understanding.
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