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Immigration and Integration conflicts

Essay Instructions:
I would like to get a same writter who wrote my other bolg (19559). This is a Local and Community responses to conflicts course.I need to write a blog about a week reading an I have to post them. Here is soem course outline what we learn in this course. Because it is a Local community conlict I have to let you know I live in Canada!!!! In this course, we will examine the various kinds of conflicts that arise in local communities, and ask how these communities find effective, creative and ethical ways to respond to them. Our interest will be in both community-based problems and solutions, in order to better understand what conflict scholars and practitioners can learn from grassroots and bottom-up approaches to conflict. We will balance theoretical approaches to understanding different issues in community-based conflicts, as well as case studies to help us think through how the issues we are discussing manifest themselves in specific circumstances. I need to write a blog about a week reading an I have to post them. Instruction: The hope is that through your own writing, as well as reading that of your classmates', you will be able to process and analyze course topics and form your own opinions on them before even setting foot in class, thus forming a productive starting point for how we use our class time. Posts should be between 500-700 words each. Blogging is a less formal medium than essay-writing, and we will discuss the expectations for blog posts in class. In general, even if you are somewhat more casual in your writing, you still must use correct grammar, spelling, capitalization, full sentences and paragraphs. Your posts should reflect your opinions on the material you are grappling with, whether that material consists of course readings, news items, or both. You must, however, explain and substantiate your opinions. For example, it is not enough to say, "I thought the author of this article was wrong", but rather you should tell me "I thought the author of this article was wrong, because I don't think that tactic was implementable in this particular context, and let me tell to you why." Please do feel free to link to other sources online that back up your points or have informed your opinion. When referencing any texts, you do not need to fully cite them, but you must still tell us the author, publication and page number you are referring to.Here are the sources: Immigration and Integration Conflicts How do both host and immigrant communities grapple with conflicts around immigration, integration and mutliculturalism? Required Readings: 1. Gada Mahrouse. (2010) "'Reasonable Accommodation' in Québec: The Limits of Participation and Dialogue." Race & Class 52(1). (BBV); 2. Anna Sheftel and Stacey Zembrzycki. (2010) "'We Started Over Again, We Were Young': Postwar Social Worlds of Child Holocaust Survivors in Montreal." Urban History Review 39(1). (BBV); 3. Selcuk R. Sirin & Michelle Fine. (2007) " Hyphenated Selves: Muslim American Youth Negotiating Identities on the Fault Lines of Global Conflict." Applied Development Science 11(3). (BBV).
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Immigration and integration conflict
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Over the years since the 18th century, the world experienced the most tremendous migration of people either in search for better livelihood in the destiny country or due to forced labor. This followed great competition in those countries migrated to, and this competition led to discrimination of the minority groups, Sirin & Fine (2007). This brought about social conflict between members of the society as they search for better social services from the government institutions. This has led to continuous research to understand the causes of this discrimination and hence formulation of policies geared toward reducing the discrimination and safeguarding the rights of the minority groups in the society, Sheftel and Zembrzycki, (2010). It is noted that increased immigration was accompanied by the increased number of unemployed individuals in the destiny countries.
In Canada, the migrants were helped to adapt in their new system of life. This included formation of clubs, which helped to increase interaction and sharing of common social events. Though all these events took place to curb discrimination, discrimination was still evident especially between the Muslims and the Jews. This affected the implementation of government policies to reduce discrimination. However, these policies against discrimination have aided the mutual respect that is experienced in the Canada today, Mahrouse (2010). This was achieved as a result of respect for immigrants and refugees and the social cohesion that has been cultivated over a long period of time, Sirin & Fine (2007). This has enabled the members of the society to work together in trust of each individual of the society. Though this has been a success, there were challenges especially the law enforcing policies that discourage discrimination of non-Canadians.
For the prosperity of Canada, respect of immigrants who have the biggest percentage of labor markets should be cultivated. Integration of all members of the society in programs that foster for one Canadian society ...
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