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Dental Care

Essay Instructions:
Hi, Below is the instruction. Pleaes read carefuly, and remember use the the sources within 4 year from 2012: When one of your professors was a RN nurse student, a classmates wrote a paper, Dental Health: A Nursing Responsibility? It's not surprising that this colleague (and lifelong friend) graduated from nursing school and then went on to become a dentist. Dr. Joanne Many (in the suburbs of Boston) recognized that we, as nurses, have a holistic responsibility to care for patients from head to toe. Please explore the following links: http://www(dot)acy(dot)org/upimages/Dentists_Story.pdf http://www(dot)washingtonpost(dot)com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/02/27/AR2007022702116.html Maryland Dental Action Committee Tassk: (1) Is dental health a nursing responsibility? Please explain. (2) Deamonte Driver of Largo, MD died unnecessarily at 12 years of age. Name one action that society, government, healthcare system, or health care providers can take to ensure positive outcomes for both adults and children related to dental health. Be as specific as possible in selecting one possible action. (3) Based on your answer to the above, design a three-step plan that you could layout and implement as a nurse and patient advocate (helping ensure positive dental outcomes). Imagine that you have a budget not to exceed $250 to support plan implementation. Use your nursing foundation and your varied backgrounds to design a project that fits with who you are, what you know, and what is feasible given limited resources Thanks
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Dental Care
Dental illness, just like other health conditions, have symptoms that be easily detected by a nurse. The nurses have the responsibility of diagnosing clinical conditions of a patient, recording and offering immediate assistance, before the dentists attend to them. A licenced practising nurse makes diagnosis and passes them onto the registered nurses, who have better skill set to intervene, as well as offer emergency services to the patients where need arises. However, dental nurses are better trained to handle dental cases than those in other fields. The dental nurses perform dental examinations, take x-rays where needed and provide procedural assistance to the dentists (Demand media, 2012).
Dea monte Driver died of a dental complication that would have had different results, if it got the right attention it deserved. It all started as a toothache and then the bacterial spread into his brain killing him eventually. This case is just a tip of the iceberg, as this is common especially in the rural settings. Although various issues compound the dental care problem in children and adults, there is an outstanding barrier, which Medicaid bureaucracy. Even with the provision of Medicaid programs throughout the states, there are acutely few dentists willing to take up the patients given the program`s processing.
First stage of the plan would involve a proper diagnosis of the dental health problem in depth, to include family history of any related complications. At this stage, the family economic status would be assessed, to determine their capabilities. At the second stage, the families that they can afford to pay for small expenses will be allowed to make payments for the services that have been offered. The basic rules of competition w...
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