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2 pages/≈550 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 8.64

LACI Peterson

Essay Instructions:
I am working on coursework in class, it is split into sections that will be individually turned in. I want to see if i can get the section i need which is EXTENT OF ISSUE to be completed according to the instructions i will provide. I will also, provide an example of the coursework that was given as an example including the sections with the description of what is needed from that topic example EXTENT OF ISSUE. I already have completed the Introduction section, so once again i need EXTENT OF ISSUE completed to include SCholary sources please, i also included an example of what it pertains to. If my paper is great i will just pay to get the whole thing completed instead of sections at a time. Thank you
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Extent of issue
Many of the Americans are obsessed with this phenomenon, a practice that is old as man, which makes people to make choices guided by jealousy and rage. What am I saying? The brutal slaughtering of wives by their loved ones, husbands. The innocent lives of these women are cut short by the people they trust, love and know most. Then, all are left wondering why would make a person; husband, to feel such kind of rage leading to killing one of his own. Even when property or divorce is threatening, none would think one would choose to risk his freedom rather than letting half of his wealth go. . The murdering of someone’s wife has been so common all the way through the centuries, and in fact The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary traces the word uxoricide (murder of a wife by her husband) back to the year1733 (Lott, 2010).
According to surveys done by the Bureau of Justice Statistics the number of these kind of crime has declined since 1976; the people who have been murdered by a spouse, an ex-spouse or a lover. This has declined due to the fact that there have been declines in the number of men killed by their intimates. According to the data releases by the agency recently one third of women in United States were killed by their lovers while 3% represented men. The study also shows that in every more than 324,000 women are battered by men they know most which a significant number of them died. In 2000 alone, it is estimated that at least three women were killed by their husbands. As said earlier, the rate of homicide in the United States has been declining and in 2009 it was estimated 1.31 over 100,000 (Lattimore, 1997).
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