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Impact of Environment on Human Capital in High- and Low-Income Countries

Essay Instructions:

This is an outline of my final essay.

One is for outline and the other one is for final essay. so this time I need only outline for two days later

For this assignment, you will create a 2-page outline of the essay you will eventually write for your final term paper assignment. The prompt for your final term paper assignment is as follows: Compare and contrast the impact of the environment on health and human capital in high- and low-income countries. To what extent do policy responses in each setting differ, and why? The objective of this assignment is to help you effectively structure your argument, and to map out the specific points you will cover in your essay. This outline will also give you a chance to get early and detailed feedback on your plans for the essay, before you actually go through the effort of writing. As with the first outline assignment, think about this assignment as creating a detailed roadmap for the writing of your final essay—with the structure and core bits of evidence in place in bullet points, it will then become relatively easy to stitch the rest of the paper together in prose. Also as with the first outline assignment: In your outline, use bullet points to hierarchically lay out the core parts of the paper/argument. Be succinct but complete in conveying the core information—avoid long, detailed sentences and short, uninformative phrases alike. On the latter point, for instance, make sure the bullet point is dense with useful and specific information. For example, “Large farmers internalize greater returns from conservation investments” is better than “Results by farm size;” “Adaptation mitigates the adverse effects of climate shocks” is better than “Behavioral responses.” The assignment should be 2 pages long, with 1-inch margins, in 11-point Times New Roman font, single-spaced. Be sure to include your name, and the tentative title of your essay. The assignment is due at/by the beginning of class on________________s or in hard copy. The assignment is worth 10% of your final grade, and you will be graded on the quality of your analysis, the sophistication of your argument, and the specificity of your points. You will be given detailed written feedback which you will be expected to incorporate in the final essay you submit.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Research Outline –
Impact of Environment on Human Capital in High- and Low-income Countries
Your Name
Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
February 24, 2022
I. Introduction a. Topic Overviewi. Definition and Description
1. Environmental Impact a. Metrics used to determine environmental effects of policies (PennState.Edu, n.d.). i. Human Toxicity Potential (HTP). ii. Global Warming Potential.  iii. Ozone Depletion Potential.  iv. Smog / Tropospheric Ozone Creation Potential (SCP) b. Other Important Metrics on Measuring Environmental Impact i. Carbon Footprint.  ii. Resource Depletion 2. Human Capitala. Metrics used to determine Human Capital Productivity and Satisfaction. i. Employee Satisfaction 1. Employee Satisfaction Index 2. Engagement Rating3. Employee Health and Safety 3. Health a. Mortality Rate b. Illness Incidence Rate Thesis Statement: High-income countries have a greater tendency to comply with environmental standards, but its positive effects on human capital and health is more likely attributable to economic resources compared to environmental policies. 
b. Research Methodology i. Case Study 1. Case study of five (5) high-income countries and five (5) low-income countries. 2. Utilization of available data. ii. Correlation Analysis
II. Literature Analysis a. Environmental Policies and Approaches in High- and Low-income countries.  i. Overview on Global Treaties, Policies, and Conventions regarding environmental protection .  a. Kyoto Protocolb. Montreal Protocolc. Convention on Biological Diversityd. Others international treaties (CropWildRelatives.Org, n.d.).
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