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Media Influence on Women's Body Image

Essay Instructions:

This assignment will help you explore the different types of media outlets and the influence that they have on adolescents. The rubric below will be used to assess your work.
Choose a topic that reflects Medias influence on adolescents. For example: body image, violence, female representation, etc.

Write an introduction to this topic that is clear, concise and to the point. Be sure to include a strong thesis statement that will capture your reader’s interest.

Choose three separate examples of media to discuss. For example, if you were choosing to talk about how violence in media influences adolescents, you may choose to look at a video game, a music video, and a television show.
Discuss each type of media outlet you have chosen. You are going to identify, summarize and evaluate this media outlet. Again, if we use violence as our topic and you choose to discuss a video game (example: Grand Theft Auto), you will need to talk about how violence is portrayed, and how this would influence adolescents. Your evaluation should include a brief discussion regarding the significance of this media outlet.

Summarize your findings. As a result of your research on this topic, make some of your own recommendations (minimum of three). Using the video game example, you could recommend that parents monitor what games are brought into the household until their child reaches a certain age. Be sure that your recommendations are clear and well thought out.

Important Information:
This assignment must be submitted using the assigned Dropbox (see How to Submit online).
This assignment must be done in APA format (7th edition). This includes citations, format/layout, and reference page.
Please use Times New Roman, 12 point font, double spaced (as per APA requirements).
You need to include a cover page (See APA manual for this).
Assignment length is to be 5-6 pages of written content (double spaced) + a cover page and references page **These two items do not count as part of your page requirements** You do not need an abstract.
You MUST use a minimum of 5 academic references: this includes things like books, peer reviewed journal articles, and published reports. This does NOT include websites such as Wikipedia.com, ask.com, and other sources of that nature. The 5 academic references must be dated no earlier than 2000.
Late assignments will receive a 10% deduction per day that the assignment is late. (Unless you provide adequate documentation - please see Course Syllabus).
Any questions please contact your instructor (see Instructor letter for contact information).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Media Influence on Women's Body Image
Author’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name
Media Influence on Women's Body Image
The issue of gender equality has been a major discourse on an international level. Over the years, women in different cultures have been treated less fairly than men. The inequality has been incorporated in media that worsens the situation. The media acts as a reflection of society, but also it influences how men and women relate and perceive themselves. Given the fact that media has now become a significant aspect of this digital, it is important to evaluate how it affects women's body image. Jean Kilbourne gave a speech entitled "killing us softly" where she address how women are objectified and oversexed by the media (Grau & Zotos, 2016). The objectification of women is evident in the 1950s and still is currently used in the media.
Over the years, advertising agencies have been changing the approach they use the women to appeal to the audience, however, the idea of "sex sells" has not changed. The agencies have found that sexual advertising tends to be very effective in attracting the audience's attention (Patterson & Story, 2009). Therefore, they use women's body images that fit what society defines as beauty.
From a tender age, women have been made by the media to believe that their physical appearance is more important than their academic performances. That has led to most of them spending a considerable amount of time and money on enhancing their looks (DiSalvatore, 2010). However, the media still portrays men to be the dominating gender and women to be their peripheral object. A review conducted on alcohol, the advertisement stated that men in the advertisements are portrayed to be strong and lovable while the women to peripheral and were always available whenever a man needed them.
A recent study on the objectification of women found that the teenage girls who watched films that depicted superheroines with oversexualized costumes experienced lower self-esteem. That made their attempt to change their looks. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons collected data between 2000 and 2009 and found there was a significant incr4ease in the number of women's breast augmentation by 36%. Additionally, the number of women who had sought breast lift and abdominoplasty services had risen by 84% (Patterson & Story, 2009). That is the period where the internet and the rise of social media platforms usage have significantly increased across the world. That reveals a strong correlation between media and women's low self-esteem.
Another negative impact of media is that it makes it difficult for women to be taken seriously in society and as a result, it becomes harder for women to climb the corporate ladder. For instance, in America, the women population accounts for 51% but only 23.7% are in congress (Sivulka, 2011). Studies show that in the workplace, women could have the same academic qualifications as their male counterparts but their looks will be more appreciated than their academics. There is a low number of women in a managerial positions in companies around the world and that is attributed to the gender misrepresentation that the media creates. The focus on looks in the workplace cause disrespect to the women. Women are more prone to sexual harassment in the workplace than men.
Even though women are capable of a lot of things the media perceives them as less capable and less intelligent. The idea of "sex sells" is heavily used especially in the cosmetic industry. The emphasis on a woman's looks makes seem like a great achievement in life. They portray that ideology has a profound impact on women's consumption habits. The women tend to be on an endless search for cosmetics, trendy clothes, and diet products in a bid to be beautiful as the women they watch on the media (Sivulka, 2011). However, some of the traits of the models in the media can never be achieved because some of the women's body images are digitally manipulated before they are put on media.
A study found an increase in the use of women in advertising products, hence leading to the use of stereotypes. The models in the media adverts tend to be tall, slim, and have flawless skin. Those attributed are considered to be the definition of beauty in western cultures (DiSalvatore, 2010). That creates the idea that the use of the product advertised by the models will make the consumers attain such attributes. Viewing sexualized women's body images makes teenage girls feel insecure. As a result, they start to photo-edit before posting them on social media.
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