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Reducing Crime by Introducing Employment Opportunities

Essay Instructions:

Introducing employment opportunities and welfare support for poor people and fostering peace and help to reduce crime in the city.

Include quoted and paraphrased material that is correctly cited (2-3 quotes and at least 1 paraphrase).

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Reducing Crime by Introducing Employment
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Reducing Crime by Introducing Employment
Cities are often crowded by people who hail from low financial backgrounds. These people often do not have basic needs prompting them to engage in crime to buy life essentials like food and clothes. A 2022 report by Safe Home shows that the local agencies reported 3.9 million crime cases to the FBI in the USA (SafeHome.org, 2022). The poor people in society are the suspects in most of these criminal cases. Every federal and local government would want to reduce such crime incidences or eradicate them. This can be done by introducing employment opportunities and welfare support programs for the poor people in society. These programs foster peace and reduce the crime rate in major cities globally because unemployment, poverty, and government negligence of the low class are the major causes of the rise in crime rates.
Unemployment is a major contributor to the rise of the crime rate globally. People need jobs to earn income that helps them afford basic needs. When they cannot secure a job, some people may opt to engage in crime to get money to buy essential life needs. According to Omboi (2020), most youths who do not have legal ways to earn income in urban centers turn to crime. They steal people's money, electronics like phones and laptops, and other belongings they can resell to get money. Others steal cars and dismantle them before selling them to garage owners as spare parts. Another section of youths may opt to engage in crime as a way to protest to the governments and private sectors about unemployment, while "unemployed youth are the main target for terrorist group and political violence" (Omboi, 2020, p 80). Providing employment opportunities to such youths will help them make ethical decisions that foster peace and reduce crime rates. They will have legal sources of income that will help them pay for essential bills, thus drawing them away from crime.
Poverty is another major contributor to the increased crime rate in cities. It refers to the state of having little income or few material possessions and can have diverse economic, social and political effects. People will opt to engage in crime to get resources to ensure they continue to survive (Blattman et al., 2017). For example, a street family living in New York City will steal from people to get money to buy food for their homeless families. Such a homeless family may also steal and use the money to buy a home in the most remote places to settle their families. In such cases, welfare programs play a k...
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