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Global Crisis: Countries' Post COVID Action

Essay Instructions:

I have attached the paper guidelines and grading rubric below. The paper is super open and I want to focus on different countries such as China, The United States, The United Kingdom's post covid action and how they mitigate the loss, and what are policies they developed.

CSUS:215: Final Paper Guidelines

Final Paper : (6 pages minimum without the list of references and the title page 

Title of the Essay: ( 5 points 


Give a brief introduction to predict the structure of your essay. This section dictates the information readers need to know and the order in which the information will be organized. This is a brief paragraph to announce what should be expected in the document. (25 points)

Introduction: Introduce the topic/paper, your arguments its rational. Demonstrate the relevance of your arguments to understanding international development issues, challenges, and or solutions…Organize different sections of the essay in the introduction and tell the reader the sequential order (45 points)

Theoretical Framework: Introduce a theoretical support to your argument. For instance, if your essay is about women in development (WID) you could use the feminism theory or the women’s empowerment framework.  The theory used in the essay must reinforce your arguments throughout the process. (50 points)

Body of the Essay: This section directly follows your theoretical background and must be divided into several paragraphs. Each paragraph should be introducing the arguments, analyzing data, raising counterarguments, and synthetizing the arguments. In this section the author must provide evidence, demonstrate truth, and support your claims with credible sources (data or statistics are welcome). (50 points).

Conclusion: Summarize or synthesize your essay by supporting the chronological order of the arguments discussed. This section is the ideal place to take a stand, make recommendations and project in the future. (15 points)

References: All sources cited in the essay must be listed in the references. Do not use citations in the references if they do not exist in the essay.  Use the APA format or be consistent with the style you are familiar with (15 points)

Plagiarism: Avoid plagiarism. It will be noted and not tolerated.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Global Crisis: Countries Post COVID Action
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Many countries are struggling to cope with the economic difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Businesses, households, and human lives are facing unprecedented challenges that have resulted in worldwide chaos. As a result, governments, economists, and scientists have developed critical measures on how to counter the pandemic's threat through various angles. Leading economies, including the United States, Chinese, and United Kingdom’s have come up with solutions to rescue their economies and restore normalcy. To shield the economy from shocks and recession, countries must stick to the basics by protecting the small and large firms, protecting jobs, waiving taxes, and protecting the vulnerable from the resulting economic damages. This paper aims to look at various strategies that leading countries have implemented to protect themselves from the pandemic.
COVID-19 pandemic caught the world by surprise and its impacts resulted in a unique, severe, and unequaled health and economic crisis that is altering people's world. Notably, three aspects make it unique. First, it has integrated both economic and health crises. Second, the crisis has spread globally in record time and thirdly, the pandemic exerts a demand and supply-side shock to every major economy. The United States, China, and the United Kingdom, and the rest of the world have experienced similar economic and health implications. For instance, it has led to human suffering with rapid loss of lives coupled with the deterioration of health outcomes, including economic hardships through job losses. Again, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a severe global economic recession and created financial distress in the corporate world. The subsequent paragraphs will show how leading the leading economies of China, the United Kingdom, and the United States have outlined policies and solutions to restore normalcy and order.
Theoretical Framework: Economic Nationalism
Presently, the world is experiencing populist politics that has resulted in economic wars. Issues like Brexit and U.S.-China trade wars signify the loss of confidence in the global economic systems. And with the world plagued by a ravaging pandemic, economies of both the developed and developing world are stressing on national sovereignty with the aim of promoting key national interests, including industries over global cooperation and integration. COVID-19 dictates that economies have to thrive in a new and uncertain environment with a new set of practical challenges. With the theory of economic nationalism, leading economies including the United States, United Kingdom, and China have focused on domestic control of capital formation to protect their citizens from economic downturn due to COVID-19. These nations want to develop themselves without entirely depending on global influences hence their unique economic policies to handle the COVID-19 pandemic.
The United States
The world’s largest economy is experiencing both economic and public health crises simultaneously. The pandemic has disrupted lives, stretched the healthcare system beyond limits, and has massively slowed down America’s economy. As of April 2021, the United States had registered 31.6 million cases with an overwhelming 567 thousand deaths. Besides the massive loss of lives, the pandemic has created an economic meltdown, from large to small businesses facing significant losses. Initially, there was a voluntary social distancing, including lockdowns that were implemented in March 2020 with the aim of isolating and cutting down on the rising number of infections (Bauer et al., 2020). However, these initiatives only impeded economic growth. The resulting unemployment, quarantine, and business closures created a demand shock that dealt a huge blow to consumer services. Moreover, the COVID-19 negatively impacted consumer spending and damaged the country's industrial production (Bauer et al., 2020). In a nutshell, COVID-19 has significantly impacted small businesses’ revenue and created economic loopholes. It has led to massive layoffs and shutdowns, killed many Americans, and created food insecurity.
The United States’ policies and strategies in mitigating the pandemic
To contain the pandemic and ease the lives of Americans, President Biden signed some ten crucial executive orders. These orders were a mix of both health and economic containment measures meant to protect American lives. The first practical measure aimed at reducing infections was to ensure Americans wear masks, starting with the president and state officials, including governors, mayors, business leaders, and health officials. The president also made tremendous changes in the transport sector that demanded masks on the public transport system. These include international travelers who must test negative before landing on American soil (Feuer, 2021). In addition, the Biden administration also ordered various agencies to implement the Defense Production Act so that companies can make the needed supplies to combat the pandemic. These supplies include material such as protective equipment needed to combat the virus.
Today, Biden's administration has rolled a nationwide vaccine rollout program that will see many Americans vaccinated. Currently, 209 million doses have been rolled out, with 84 million vaccinated. Such a milestone has become possible with more funding channeled to local and state officials, resulting in several vaccination sites and the launch of several public campaigns for public awareness. Besides, many Americans have been tested on a large scale following the creation of a pandemic testing board that was critical in discovering new forms of effective and quick testing methods to quickly scale them up (Feuer, 2021). Following claims of his predecessor’s lack of a robust strategy to combat the virus, the Biden administration has acted swiftly and aggressively to support the economy and improve the citizens’ lives. These strategies are integrated into the $1.9 trillion coronavirus rescue package. Also referred to as the American Rescue Plan, the administration plans to inject $ 350 billion in both local and state aid, $170 billion for education institutions, $20 billion in the vaccine program, and $50 billion to fund the nation-wide testing (Feuer, 2021).
The failure of the CDC to detect and effectively respond to the epidemic, in what be...
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