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Historical Impact of 1965 Immigration Act on Current Events

Essay Instructions:

Part 2: Historical impact on current events

Percentage of grade: 25%

Purpose: This part of the assignment is intended to make historical social welfare policies more relevant for students, and to engage students in current events. Students will consider what has happened historically in U.S. social welfare with what is currently happening, including the forms and mechanisms of oppression and discrimination reflected in social policy.

Students will research current events regarding the issue addressed in part one. They will use news sources to learn what is happening with this issue today. They will also use scholarly sources to support their arguments/discussion regarding the treatment of individuals impacted by the issue. Some sources you can use to find news include:

• The Washington Post

• The New York Times

• The Baltimore Sun

• The Associated Press

• National Public Radio News (NPR News)

You can use other news sources but check with the instructor to make sure they are reliable. Avoid blogs, magazines, opinion pieces, and editorials. The stories you read should clearly report on a newsworthy current event related to the social issue you addressed in part one. If you search for news through the USG library national newspaper database, you will be able to access articles without a subscription http://libguides(dot)shadygrove(dot)umd(dot)edu/c.php?g=481167&p=3289000

Remember you are focusing on current events, so the news you use should not be older than six months! It is your responsibility to ensure the stories you select are accurate and not fake stories. You will be asked to submit your news article/s into Bb for instructor feedback.

Part two of the paper will respond to each of the following heading areas and corresponding prompts:

1. Introduction: Provide a brief introduction to the topic and what you will cover in the paper.

2. News summary: Provide one paragraph that summarizes the social issue as it is depicted in the news. If you focus on one news story, briefly summarize the newsworthy event. Be sure to cite the news source/s you used to obtain this information. Your summary should answer the following questions:

• What is the issue? What is happening?

• Who is being impacted?

3. Oppression/discrimination and societal attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors: In this section you will address the way in which society views the issue you selected and how those views have influenced the oppression and discrimination faced by marginalized populations. Use your news story/ies to provide examples of how people’s lives are impacted and use scholarly sources to support your arguments.

• What are the societal attitudes or beliefs about, and behavioral responses to this social issue? How do people view/see people impacted by this problem. (For example, how do people view those impacted by poverty? How does society view those impacted by mental illness? How does society view those who come to the U.S. from other countries?) Identify and briefly discuss the societal attitudes or ideological beliefs from these perspectives:

o As depicted in your news story, in current times.

o Historically, based on your research for Part 1 about the history of the social issue.

o Substantiate your claims with scholarship.

For example: One societal attitude is that all persons living in the United States have equal access to adequate K-12 and higher education (cite).

• How do those societal attitudes manifest as oppression and discrimination? In other words, how do we see these attitudes manifested in the lives of the people/groups impacted? Identify and briefly discuss the relationship between societal attitudes, behavioral responses, and oppression or discrimination from these perspectives:

o As depicted in your news story, in current times.

o Historically, based on your research for Part 1 about the history of the social issue.

o Substantiate your claims with scholarship.

For example: The societal belief that everyone has the same educational opportunities has resulted in social welfare policies that do not address the educational needs of disadvantaged populations (emphasis on testing standards, standardized tests, unfair distribution of resources, high education costs). These policies are oppressive because they do not consider the gaps in educational resources between the rich and the poor leaving schools with fewer resources and students with fewer opportunities.

4. Comparison between history and today: In this section, provide a comparison of how the issue you selected was viewed or addressed in history and how it is viewed, addressed, or manifested today. Be sure to highlight how vulnerable populations were treated in the past and how that is different than or similar to how this population is treated today.

5. Conclusion: Include a brief, one paragraph conclusion that does not introduce new content or ideas but summarizes the main points of your paper.

Part two should have three to four content pages of new material. Submit paper into Bb as a Word document using proper APA formatting, with a cover page, and a reference list.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Historical Impact on Current Events-1965 Immigration Act
Jessica Cuya Chavez
University of Maryland Baltimore County
SOWK 260
Elizabeth Chakmakian, PhD
Due date
The immigration issue has been a critical benchmark in U.S politics for decades and has brought on numerous reforms, such as the significant 1965 Immigration and Naturalization Act. The Act aimed to abolish the immigrant admission policy that relied on a quota system based on country of origin and replaced it with an approach to bring back together families and attract skilled labor into the country (Einesman, 1999). The discriminatory policy saw immigrants from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East banned from the United States, with those from Europe getting preferential treatment. While there has always been a course for concern over the effects of immigrants, tremendous benefits have been witnessed. Thus, it is essential to understand the implication of the legislation on current events.
News Summary
The article “Immigration hard-liner files reveal 40-years bid behind Trump’s census obsession” (Wang, 2021) talks about former President Trump’s obsession with including the question of citizenship in the 2020 census. According to him, the question was meant to offer an exact figure of the immigrants in the country. However, investigations by experts revealed that Trump and his administration were looking to deny illegal immigrants their legal right to participate in the census and use them for political gain. The census numbers hold the power that every president would want as they determine where the 435 votes in the lower house go based on the population and ensure Republican nominees for elective posts succeeded, especially in areas populated with Hispanics. The push was in contravention of the 14th Amendment, giving all persons living in each state the right to participate in the census and the federal law prohibiting using Census information by other government entities. However, the push, inspired by the Federation for American Immigration Reform 40 years ago, did not succeed as it was contested in court and considered contrived (Wang, 2021).
Oppression/Discrimination and Societal Attitudes, Beliefs, and Behaviors
One of the significant societal attitudes towards immigration today is that immigrants are essential people in the country. For instance, in the article, the American Constitution considered them necessary in census and voting. Thus, the 14th Amendment ensures that even though they are illegal in the country, they can be counted and considered in the planning and revenue allocation of the country (Wang, 2021). Also, while some quarters, such as former president Trump consider them a liability and undeserving of being recognized, the judicial system, through the court ruling against the introduction of the citizenship questions, upheld their importance in the country.
According to the Census Bureau, the United States hosts 44 million immigrants, which is more than any other country worldwide. The 14% of the total population comprises diverse people from Asia, South America, Mexico, North America, Middle East, and Africa, among others, who have occupied about 20 states and penetrated every sector in America. The immigration issue has been the center of the national political debate for years, with various views presented for or against this issue. According to Pew Research Center, 66% of the population believes immigrants strengthen the country through hard work and talent, hence welcome in the United States (Budiman, 2020). On the other hand, 24% of the population considers them a burden to the nation who take housing, jobs, and healthcare from the citizens (Budiman, 2020).
The current view is in...
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