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Influence of Language on Cultural Divisions

Essay Instructions:

The topic I chosen: How does language reinforce cultural divisions? 

Introduction of this essay

According to Dr. Edward Witten “[y]ou want to find the question that is sufficiently easy that you might be able to answer it, and sufficiently hard that the answer is interesting.” [http://edition.cnn.com/2005/TECH/science/06/27/witten.physics/].


  1. From the Research Essay Topic List, select a topic to be the basis for your research essay.
  2. Consider carefully, as this will be the topic question you will have to stick with for all parts of this assignment.
  3. Notify the instructor of your choice. If there is nothing in this list that you are interested in researching and writing about you may propose another topic to the instructor for possible adoption.
  4. Do not proceed with Part B of this assignment until your topic choice has been approved by the instructor in writing.

Essay Outline Template

Introductory Materials


Using the sources selected for the research topic and the contents of their annotated bibliography students must generate

  1. the introductory paragraph [introduce the essay], and
  2. an outline with the headings for the various sections of the essay

A. Introduce the Essay. The beginning lets your readers know what the essay is about, the topic. The essay's topic does not exist in a vacuum, however; part of letting readers know what your essay is about means establishing the essay's context, the frame within which you will approach your topic.

Beyond introducing your topic, your beginning must also let readers know what the central issue is. What question or problem will you be thinking about? You can pose a question that will lead to your idea (in which case, your idea will be the answer to your question), or you can make a thesis statement. Or you can do both: you can ask a question and immediately suggest the answer that your essay will argue.

There is still the further question of how to start. What makes a good opening? You can start with specific facts and information, a keynote quotation, a question, an anecdote, or an image. But whatever sort of opening you choose, it should be directly related to your focus.

Here is a web site that will give you some tips on writing a good start on your introductory paragraph:


B. Generate an Outline. Before you can begin outlining, you need to have a sense of what you will argue in the essay. From your analysis and close readings of primary and/or secondary sources you should have notes, ideas, and possible quotes to cite as evidence.

Your goal is to rearrange your ideas, notes, and quotes—the raw material of your essay—into an order that best supports your argument, not the arguments you've read in other people's works. To do this, you have to group your notes into categories and then arrange these categories in a logical order.

The Harvard Writing Centre has tips on generating this outline: http://writingcenter.fas.harvard.edu/pages/outlining

You can then develop the headings and sub headings for each section of your essay.

Annotated Bibliography

An annotated bibliography is an organized list of sources [with proper APA citations] such as books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by a brief (usually about 150 words) paragraph that summarizes, evaluates and explains each entry on the list. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.

Writing an annotated bibliography is excellent preparation for a research project. When you write annotations for each source, you're required to read and reflect on your sources more carefully.

  1. Summarize: What are the main arguments found in this source? What is the point of this book or article? If someone asked what this article/book is about, what would you say?
  2. Evaluate:  Is this a useful source?  How does it compare with your other sources?  Is this source reliable?
  3. Explain:  How does this source fit into your research?  Was it useful to you in developing your 

Annotated Bibliography Template


Based on the topic you have selected:

  1. Select key words or phrases relevant to your topic
  2. Search the RCC online library for current academic sources that will assist you in the development of your argument in the research essay
    1. Articles should be published within the last 10 years
    2. Identify 8 to 10 of these sources that you find most useful
    3. Document each source carefully using APA style citations
      1. Generate an APA bibliography with each entry in alphabetical order by last name of author, which you will then use in your final paper
      2. After reading each source:
        1. Thoroughly summarize, evaluate and explain each of your chosen sources
        2. This may be 1 to 2 paragraphs for each source
        3. These paragraphs will be added to your bibliography under the matching citation

Helpful Hints:

Write essays in double-spacing; it allows for easier review and editing.

  1. Use APA referencing guidelines for citation and references.
  2. Do not write in first person (I) but rather the third (they).
  3. Do not use Wikipedia as a primary source – it is useful as a tool to help focus your thesis, and possibly direct you to find other more sound primary sources, but should not be quoted or used as a primary source itself.
  4. Ensure all references are academically sound sources. If an article is found in an academic journal in one of the library databases, then you can assume it has been peer reviewed and thus acceptable. Many articles found readily online may not have been exposed to any editorial vetting process, and thus should be carefully considered before being used as a resource. Poor choices will negatively impact your grade. Check with your instructor if you are in doubt (but obviously, well before any due date).


The following rubric indicates those areas you should be focusing on in preparing this Part of your assignment, and how the instructor will weigh these components relative to one another.

Activity/Competencies Demonstrated

% of Final Grade



a.       Annotated Bibliography:

a minimum of eight appropriate and sound academic references identified. Sources are properly cited and referenced


Introductory Materials:

b.       The introductory paragraph [introduce the essay]

c.       An outline with the headings for the various sections of the essay


Critical Thinking and Analysis:


a.       For annotated bibliography: the selected literature is appropriately summarized, evaluated, and explained

b.       For introducing the topic: the introduction established the essay's context with a clear thesis statement; it showed a clear frame within which the topic is approached.

c.       For outline: following the proper outline structure, the notes are organized into categories and then arranged in a logical order.


Writing Style:


a.       Writing is of professional quality with minimal errors in spelling, grammar, and syntax

b.      Proper use of APA essay and reference format


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Influence of Language on Cultural Divisions
Impact of Language on Cultural Divisions
It is not less accurate that society and culture inform the language spoken by a particular group of people or community. On the other hand, the tongue shapes some cultural practices in society. To deeply understand the relationship between culture and language, an individual needs to objectively observe different communities worldwide to find out how languages spoken in other communities relate to the cultural beliefs and activities practiced by the specific communities. Most cultural groupings around the globe are also widely identified by the name of the language they speak. For instance, people from England are called English, their counterparts in France are referred to as the French, and the trend is similar across several communities in the world. This paper, therefore, provides insights into how language has shaped cultural divisions globally.
Annotated Bibliography
Anonymous. (2012). A Primer on Communication Studies.
In the above book, the author squashes the idea that human reality is determined by the language they speak. The author argues that language only influences human realities but does not determine them. However, whichever way the argument goes, one thing that comes out from the two contradicting notions is that language takes center stage to realize various realities in human life. This way, language is seen as an essential tool that establishes distinctive divisions of diverse cultures globally. The author uses an example of two 9-year-old babies from Columbia and Brazil, who, regardless of their specific languages, show differences in their particular speeches. This article is vital in the study as it provides intelligent information that supports the notion that language is indeed a key influencer of cultural division.
Leveridge, A. N. (2013). The relationship between language & culture and the implications for language teaching. Retrieved on October 14, 2013.
Liveridge, the author of the article, argues that language plays a vital role in shaping an individual view of the world more than culture. The report further states that people brought up from a similar cultural background might not have a similar opinion about the world whenever taught in different languages. The author concludes that by learning a new language, an individual is subjected to learning a new culture. Maybe this is what has informed the existence of language teachers as cultural teachers. These arguments support the research thesis that language enhances cultural divisions in the community. On the other hand, the article is credible in that its author is an expert in language and cultural matters, having obtained a Master's in Education degree and currently practicing teaching.
Robins, R. Henry, and Crystal. David (2021, March 9). Language. Encyclopedia Britannica. /topic/language
Robins, in his article, argues that language reinforces divisions in culture. The author argues that cultural techniques, skills, knowledge, and other social controls are only learned through language. A perfect example that supports the author's notion on the relationship between culture and language is that language, especially in spoken form, is the primary way humans are influenced to change their behaviors. In return, they adapt to specific ways of doing things whenever they are forced to respond to particular calamities or innovations. The source is credible thanks to the author's status, who is an expert in the linguistic field and currently a professor at the University of London. The article is also quite crucial for the study as it supports the thesis statement and illustrates how language reinforces cultural differentiation in society.
Guessabi, F. (2011). Blurring the line between language and culture. Language Magazine, 10(9).
Guessabi’s argument in her article reconciles with Liveridge notion that language influences how humankind perceives reality. However, Guessabi claims in her article that there is a thin line between language and culture in that it is pretty hard for an individual to learn a new language without understanding the culture of the language's origin. Therefore, t...
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