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2 pages/≈550 words
Social Sciences
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AAS 100 Extra Credit Assignment. Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

Watch and do a write up on a film related to the course material. Please refer to the approved film list. After viewing the film, write 1 to 2 pages double spaced analysis of the film. The write-up should not be a summary of the movie, but an analysis of how it relates to themes and concepts covered in the course.

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Film Analysis
Due Date
Film Analysis
The movie The Half of It is quite interesting and seeks to discuss a few issues that currently elicit a lot of debate in the U.S. The movie stars Leah Lewis, who plays the character of Ellie Chu, and Daniel Diermer, who plays the character of Paul Munsky. The two develop an unusual friendship, but it is through Ellie’s life that the movie communicates certain crucial elements of race. While watching the movie, one gets to understand why, in the U.S., the race will always matter. One can move to an all-white neighborhood, have white friends, and acquire white mannerisms. However, their color or ethnic background will always matter. People will see color first, and every other feature or quality will come later. Half of It movie helps to enhance the above statements through Ellie’s life and what she goes through while in school.
In the U.S., the race is a topic that often elicits discussions and emotions from a lot of people. On the one hand, there are those who believe that the system is rigged and will always be racist towards particular groups of people. However, there are also those who subscribe to the colorblind racial ideology. These people believe that race does not matter and that society should be colorblind. For the latter lot, the idea of it is not wrong, but their belief is not rooted in reality. In the U.S., race matters, and as is depicted in the movie, it will continue to mean s...
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