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Chapter 7: Comparative Politics: Integrating Theories, Methods, and Cases

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Please provide a summary of the below chapters in an Essay format.

Chapter 7: Dickovick, J. Tyler, and Eastwood, Jonathan. (2019) Comparative Politics: Integrating Theories,

Methods, and Cases, Third Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.

Chapter 7: Dickovick, J. Tyler, and Eastwood, Jonathan. (2017). Comparative Politics: Classic and

Contemporary Readings. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.

Chapter 11: Martin, Glenn. Prevailing Worldviews of Western Society Since 1500. Radnor, Pennsylvania: Triangle Publishing, 2006

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Chapter Summaries
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Chapter Summaries
Chapter 7: Comparative Politics: Integrating Theories, Methods, and Cases
In chapter 7 of "Comparative Politics: Classic and Contemporary Readings," Dickovick and Eastwood begin with an explanation of competitive authoritarianism. Countries that possess such a regime have formal democratic institutions such as fair elections and civil liberties, but often, such rights are infringed or violated (Chapter 7, 2019). The regime becomes more authoritarian rather than democratic. Competitive authoritarianism can be identified in regimes such as Russia during Vladimir Putin's administration, Serbia under Slobodan, and in Croatia during the reign of Franjo Tudjman. Dickovick and Eastwood argue that while democratic regimes may violate some rights, the violations are not as broad as in competitive authoritarianism.
Dickovick and Eastwood continue to explore the social origins of dictatorship and democracy. Looking at examples of authoritarian power in the 20th century, such as in Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, and China, or fascistic Japan, the roots can be traced to major powers in society. For example, in the 20th century, landowners, industrial, and commercial owners remained as the major forces. Powerful elites often prevented other areas from developing. In Germany and Japan, powerful landowners curtailed the power of commercial and industrial sectors from controlling economic or political power. The lack of a powerful or stimulus social class often allowed the elite dictatorship to thrive. Social classes can also promote democracy. In China, the weakness of the urban classes allowed the communist revolution to overthrow the old regime giving way to the modern political landscape. Over time, it has become evident that the social power of citizens can promote democracy. For example, a social revolution can occur that threatens the power of the elite, and this may force the elite to change or improve policy to keep their power while preventing a revolution.
Chapter 7 also discusses the economic origins of dictatorship and democracy. Economic inequalities, fear of social unrest, and costs of authoritarianism can promote democracy. For example, in Britain, democracy developed gradually as the elite made concessions with the working class because risks of the social disorder increased that concerned the elites. Other countries like Argentina achieved democracy when economic inequalities grew, leading to social protests that brought down the dictatorship. In revolutions, the cost that occurs after the wealth of the society is destroyed affects both the citizens and elites, which encourages concessions, leading to democracy. However, when the cost of repression is low, authoritarianism can thrive. For instance, before the 1990s, the majority-black did not protest repression, which allowed a white minority to oppress and dominate the blacks.
Chapter 7: Comparative Politics: Classic and Contemporary Readings
In Chapter 7, "Authoritarian Regimes and Democratic Breakdown," Dickovick and Eastwood try to understand the types and causes of authoritarian regimes. The chapter defines an authoritarian regime as a lack of democracy with elements such as fascism, socialism, and dictatorship while violating human rights (Chapter 7, 2017). One type of authoritarianism is totalitarian regimes, which include administrations such as Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Totalitarian regimes violate the rights of citizens and do not hold free, fair elections. They often control many political and...
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