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Social Sciences Essay: Why Study Science?

Essay Instructions:

In writing your essay be sure to:

- Provide a clear thesis statement.

- Structure your essay to provide a logical progression of the arguments that support your thesis.

- Provide evidence to support your arguments. This evidence can be drawn from areas of study that are of interest to you provided they are relevant and support your arguments.

- Cite all evidence and include in your bibliography.

- Please pay attention to grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Unit 1 – Why Study Science?

1. Contrast the scientific and religious senses of the word “meaning.”

2. Discuss a question of public concern involving some aspect of science or technology.

I included chapter 9 and unit notes. The name of the textbook is What science is and how it works by Gregory N, Derry - ISBN 978-0-691-09550-9

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Why Study Science?
Student's Name
Why Study Science?
Science plays an important role in the world. For years, mankind has used science to make their life better. Through science, the world has experienced immense changes. Yet, to better understand these changes, the study of science is necessary, whether in the field of sociology, economics, or technology. Science, as defined by Derry (1999), "is the active and creative engagement of our minds with nature in an attempt to understand." Science is a continuous process by which mankind tries to understand the world and all it entails. Often, science and religion have differing views about the world and how it is interpreted. Unlike religion, science conveys facts that can be interpreted using the human senses (Derry, 1999). These facts are also used to provide meaning behind certain occurrences. The meaning of occurrences from a religious point of view, however, is different because it does not rely on facts but rather on more than can be identified through the human senses. However, the purpose of this paper is to discuss why the study of science is important. Science has been included in school curriculums so that from a younger age, people can embrace science and all it has to offer, even if they will never pursue a career in the sciences. Studying science can create a better understanding of environmental and societal issues, improve the quality of life, and enhance human survival.
Understanding Environmental and Societal Issues
Currently, the world has become plagued with environmental and societal issues, and it is of utmost importance that they are addressed. However, this can only be achieved if people first understand these issues. This is where studying science comes in. There has been a myriad of environmental issues ranging from waste disposal to resource depletion and climate change. Science has been used to facilitate effective decision-making, especially when it comes to the environment. For instance, scientific evidence gathered as a result of studying science has been used to inform environmental policies (Voulvoulis & Burgman, 2019). Based on scientific information, policies to reduce carbon emissions have been put in place in response to the threat of climate change and global warming. This is especially important because global warming has become a major issue of concern in the public sphere. Even though Voulvoulis and Burgman (2019) reveal that the politicization of science, especially when it comes to global warming, has affected the public's trust in scientists, science remains the only viable option to create a better understanding of environmental issues. Studying science and providing the public with consistent information about environmental issues will increase the integrity of scientific evidence and, ultimately, help address environmental issues. Voulvoulis and Burgman (2019) posit that the integration of scientific evidence from diverse sources and understanding the ecological situation is the only way that environmental issues can be addressed. But, scientific evidence can only be gathered from diverse sources if people study science and all that it entails.
When it comes to an understanding of societal issues, science plays a very instrumental role. As revealed by Hogan et al. (2018), education institutions and government agencies are focusing on the study of science to understand and develop solutions to some of the most complex issues in society today. The study of science is not only about scientific discoveries and developments in science and technology but also about creating social impact. By studying science, mankind has been able to understand certain social issues such as crime, inequality, and violence, among others. For instance, psychology has been used to create a better understanding of crimes and criminals. Psychology entails the science of the brain, brain function, and human behavior. According to Dearden (2019), modern psychological theories have been used to understand crime, including white-collar crime. Psychological factors such as stress and optimism bias have been said to affect white-collar criminals by interfering with their judgment and decision-making process. Thus, the study of psychology has allowed human beings to not only understand how the human brain works in relation to mental health problems but also in relation to social issues. Another example of how studying science has created an understanding of societal issues is the use of science to understand gender-based violence. Over the years, there has been a lot of research on gender-based violence and how victims and perpetrators view their situation. This also has to do with psychology, and as Mindthoff, Goldfarb, and Behre (2019) indicate, many psychological factors influence the nature of gender-based violence. The study of science in this area has been extended to the legal system, where science has been used to paint a clear picture of how the legal system responds to gender-based violence. For instance, through the study of science, it has been established that testimonies from female victims of gender-based violence are usually disregarded due to doubts about their credibility, something arising from psychological misconceptions of the victims (Mindthoff, Goldfarb, & Behre, 2019). When there is such an understanding, it becomes easier to address the problem from its root cause.
Improving the Quality of Life
Quality of life is an important aspect of human life, albeit subjective from one individual to another and from one culture to another. But generally, quality of life refers to the well-being of an individual in terms of how they experience positive aspects of life compared to negative aspects (Glatzer, Camfield, Moller, & Rojas, 2015). Improving the quality of life of individuals and cultures is essential in human development. Over the years, the concept of quality of life has received considerable attention from the public. Quality of life has been assessed using measures such as the standards of living, health, and access to basic needs, among others (Glatzer, Camfield, Moller, & Rojas, 2015). One area that has specifically been attributed to improved quality of life is science.
The study of science has facilitated the improvement of the quality of life in several ways. First, the study of science has facilitated the eradication of diseases such as smallpox. According to the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) (2020), the eradication of diseases such as smallpox, which caused over 300 million deaths, promotes better health for human beings. Better health is an indicator of a better quality of life. However, such eradication is impossible without the study of science. It is through the study of science that the vaccine for smallpox was developed. The availability of vaccines allowed mankind to prevent the transmission of the smallpox virus, and ultimately the disease was eradicated (ASM, 2020). Vaccines for other diseases, such as polio, have contributed to a tremendous reduction in the transmission of infectious diseases. Only a handful of countries are yet to eradicate polio, and increased vaccination can quicken the proce...
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