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The Namesake: A Film Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Watch and do a write up on a film related to the course material. Please refer to the approved film list. After viewing the film, write 1 to 2 pages double spaced analysis of the film. The write-up should not be a summary of the movie, but an analysis of how it relates to themes and concepts covered in the course. You must refer to at least one of the course readings in your write up.

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Extra Credit Assignment
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Extra Credit Assignment
The Namesake is a 2006 film directed by Mira Nair that portrays how Indians born to immigrant parents struggle to seek inclusion in the American society while at the same time trying to embrace the traditional values imposed on them by the parents. Through the experiences of Gogol (the son) and the parents, one can get a picture of the struggles Asian Americans go through as they navigate life in America. The film reveals key concepts covered in the course, such as racial formation, social formation, and the portrayal of the success of Asian Americans in the media. This paper examines how the film brings forth these concepts.
The Namesake does a great job in revealing the concept of racial formation. According to the reading by Omi and Winant (1994), the race is a representation of identity that refers to the different human body types as well as the meanings and social practices that are ascribed to the differences. Throughout the film, the differences in the human body and social practices emphasize the concept of racial formation. In regards to the human body, there exist many differences between Gogol's family, which is Indian, and his white girlfriend's family. Besides, social practices also conform to the differences in the human body. An example can be seen in the behavior of Gogol when he is with his girlfriend, Maxine, at his parents' house versus when he meets her parents. Gogol makes it clear to her girlfriend that touching and holding hands are not allowed when they visited his parents. On the other hand, when they meet Maxine's parents, the atmosphere is relaxed. Therefore, it is evident that the concept of race extends from bodily differences to social practices.
The social formation is also a key concept that can be seen in the film. As noted by Okihiro (2...
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