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Economic Geography and Apple’s Economic Activities

Essay Instructions:

In this essay: (1) choose one company to focus your paper around [materials are provided for Apple and Amazon]; (2) describe what kinds of economic activity are embedded where ; (3) analyze why this company chooses to locate their business in these places and how their economic activity transforms those places unevenly.


Many popular discussions of the economy assume that the economy is best understood as something ‘global’ or ‘national.’ This is why we often read about ‘America’s economic growth’ or ‘global trade.’ While this framing helps us understand certain kinds of economic activity, it often misses the more complex ways that economic activity is shaped by and helps to transform particular places in uneven ways. In this essay, we ask you to choose one company to illustrate one aspect of this broader theme. We provide materials for Apple and Amazon, but you may write about other companies with instructor permission.

To explore this question, your paper should answer the following questions: 1. What kinds of economic activities is the company engaging in and where are they located? Transnational companies today often have widely dispersed business operations. Research and development may be located in one place; human resources may be located somewhere else; resources are extracted in one place, while manufacturing and assembly take place still somewhere else; distribution may be located in many places; and the products may still be sold still somewhere else. Please note: If you say that businesses are located in ‘America,’ you are approaching this essay the wrong way. 2. Why did the company choose to locate their economic activities in these places? There are a variety of reasons why companies choose particular places. They include locational economies and agglomeration effects [see p. 277-78]; benefiting from tax rates; attracting skilled labor; environmental regulations; political climate; prices of real estate; customer base; and more. Remember that a company’s decision to locate their business in a given place is often a decision to leave a different place. 3. How does a particular company’s economic activity in different places reshape those places in uneven ways? This unevenness can take multiple forms. In positive situations, well-payed workers in particular places help to support and sustain local economies; in other instances, however, companies may choose to pay low wages to maximize their profits but also resulting in a negative impact on the social and economic well-being of particular places. Businesses moving into ‘cheap’ cities can generate new property tax, but they can also spike gentrification and accelerate inequality. Development projects can generate traffic and environmental costs. Sometimes the ‘incentive’ packages signed by government representatives can impact future public revenues.

To accomplish this paper, we recommend: 1. Budgeting your time. This essay will require reading at least 6 newspaper articles to gather information for your paper (budget 45 min – 1 hr); organizing that material (1 hr); and preparing your essay. Essays are due on Monday, April 29. 2. Read the textbook and use it to develop your argument, especially Chap. 8, “Geographies of Economic Development.” Lectures will help to introduce some of these concepts, with a key focus on April 22. Discussion sections will also provide time to organize your papers and to think through your analysis. 3. When you read the newspaper articles, look for answers to each of the questions above: What kind of economic activity? Where? Why located there? How is it reshaping that place?


Content: • A thesis statement that makes an argument. For example, “In this paper, I examine the economic geography of ______. I describe _____. I analyze _____. I argue that [this company] benefits from uneven _____ and helps to produce new kinds of unevenness by _______.” • A mapping statement that summarizes the structure of your paper. • Topic sentences that tie each section back to your thesis statement. For example, “[This company’s strategy of locating production in _____ helps them _______.”

Formatting: • 1,200-1,300 words; double-spaced, using 1” margins and 12-point font. • Include a Works Cited. You may use parenthetical citations (and include a separate Works Cited page) or footnotes, but you must cite all of your sources (including the Wikipedia pages).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Economic Geography and Apple’s Economic Activities
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Economic Geography and Apple’s Economic Activities
Apple Inc. is one of the big four multinational tech enterprises, with its main headquarters in California. It designs and sells all sorts of mobile apps, computer software and operating system, electronic gadgets, media devices, portable computer accessories, apps for workplaces and a web browser Apple Safari. Apple’s main competitive advantage is in creating innovative products; and, it handles innovation quite efficiently. One after the other newly constructed headquarters of Apple is an example to justify the argument (Sam, Sabramania and Mustafa, 2017). As a company, it engages in a number of economic activities. A critical examination of Apple’s core economic activities including designing, manufacturing, assembling, marketing, selling and retailing revealed that it has derived competitive advantages by operating in these different locations. At some locations, but has built its production units to exploit the hardworking laborers, while in other location, the establishment of offices was only one way to increase the sales. Reasons behind the establishment of offices worldwide have been explored and discussed in detail in the coming section of the essay.
Economic Activities of Apple
The main headquarter of Apple is in Silicon Valley, California, where employees, on a campus of six buildings, contribute innovative ideas to reshape the lives of Apple’s users. All the activities related to designing new products and revising old designs take place on this campus. The research and testing activities, however, are performed in a laboratory situated in Sunnyvale. Another workstation, campus 2, is called the Apple Park and adds to Apple’s efforts for creating the greenery. Moreover, it is environment-friendly, have solar panels installed and contains jogging and cycling trails for the employees. Most of the innovative and intellectual work happens on this campus, and that’s the reason nobody except Apple’s employees is allowed into the campus.
In the North Austin campus, employees mostly perform technical support duties. Other campuses in California provide networking support to suppliers, handle the shipment-related queries, complaints and issues. Another campus located in Austin has employed 500 engineers to create the most modern processors for the newest Apple products. Outside of the United States, Apple has its headquarters in Ireland, which look after the sales management of regions including Africa, Europe, and the Middle East (Cook, 2015). These campuses are housed in Cork, Ireland and called Apple Sales International and Apple Distribution International. Both of this campus is supposed to focus on the sales and distribution of Apple’s products outside the US.
Apple has its research center in Haifa, Israel (Brian, 2019). Till 2017, Apple kept acquiring the small tech startups and companies and has always been loth at communicating its full plans and intentions until the moment of their fulfilment, sometimes, not even after that. Anobit was said to be one of the main manufacturers of Apple’s sub-parts and its acquisition brings up the fact that Apple merely did this to increase the availability of the parts to the main head-quarters (CNBC, 2018).
When Apple’s top level executives started expressing their interests in penetrating the Indian market, the response from the other party was somehow a disappointment, containing a demand for 30% of those Apple products be manufactured in Indian boundaries. It was no dilemma and Apple responded by mentioning that it would increase the cost of the product. The same year, Apple reported a sales growth of 400% only from India; the company however, had to face terrible import taxes, as a consequence of not partnering with the government Following the negotiations for almost a year, when Apple couldn’t shake the Indian government from their ‘made in India’ objective, it started manufacturing iPhones in the Bangalore facility. Apple also owns a map-development office in Hyderabad. The clear reason behind setting such operations and facilities in India is that Apple wanted to retain and maintain its level of sales. Also, Apple was looking forward to one more incentive from the Indian government apart from lowering the import taxes. Another top executive of Apple had once mentioned that Apple was interested in taking Apple’s business in India to a new level. Apple’s Indian executives were making constant efforts to get permission of reselling the used iPhones and other Apple products in India.
Currently, most of Apple’s manufacturing takes place in Czech Republic, Taiwan, Korea and China. The reasons why App...
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