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Discussion board

Essay Instructions:



After reviewing content regarding groups:

Choose a population that you imagine delivering a group session to and answer the following questions in a post

(For example the group you choose may be; children with ADHD, combat veterans diagnosed with PTSD, Sexual trauma survivors etc)

1. Describe characteristics of this specific group population

2. Goals for the group

3. Choose an appropriate group therapy theory model for this population

a. Briefly describe

i. Key Concepts of model

ii. Role & function of the leader

iii. Therapeutic techniques &procedures

4. Group planning- Provide rationale for each listed below

a. Referral sources

b. Choosing and number of participants

c. Interviewing techniques for this population

d. Number and length of sessions

5. Challenges facing this particular group population

a. Group leaders

b. Group members

c. Boundaries


After reading Wheeler chapter 20 and the associated articles:

Discuss the idea of termination, client drop out versus therapist initiated. What are the implications considering both client drop out and therapist initiated? What is the ethical responsibility for the Conditions or providers . What are concrete ways you can address termination (for both client and therapist)?

I will send you some material and I will also let you know which topic you have to focus unless you have preference. Let me know what you think. Thank you

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Discussion Board
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After reviewing the contents about groups, I choose combat veterans diagnosed with (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder) PTSD as a population worth studying. Combat veterans are people that have served in wars and combat zones during the time in the military service (mattocks, 2012). Post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental condition that affects people who have experienced or witnessed terrifying events like wars, terrorist attacks among others (Javidi & Yadollahie, 2012). Other characteristics of combat veterans with PTSD are nightmares of gruesome events, recurring memories, loss of interest in people and things, sleeplessness, irritability, feelings of numbness, and being always on guard.
We will deal with Combat veterans between the age of 40 years and above. Some of the goals of the Combat Veterans with PTSD group is to raise awareness, and educate veterans about PTSD, help veterans get treatment, encourage veterans to join support groups, help veterans adjust in their new settlements, and find better ways to collaborate and socialize with other veterans.
The best therapy model for dealing with combat veterans with PTSD is Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). CBT is a kind of psychotherapy that is thought to be the best in the treatment of PST both in the long-term and short term. Treating PTSD using CBT implies a talking therapy that can help treat PTSD by changing the behavior and thoughts of people (Falconer et al, 2013).
In CBT, cognitive-behavioral group leaders take the role of an instructor and encourage members to practice social skills that they can utilize in their everyday life. Some of the CBT techniques to be used by the therapist include cognitive reframing or restructuring, exposure therapy guided discovery, recording and journaling, behavior activation and activity scheduling, role play, relaxation and stress reduction strategies, and behavioral experiments (Falconer, 2013).
Our group will consist of 10 combat veterans with PTSD and the main mode of interviewing for the population is motivational interviewing. Each session will take at least 2 hours with three sessions a week and a total of 16 sessions. During the first session we will have the veterans have one on one session with the therapist and the subsequent sessions we will have them in one group where they will open about their different experiences with the diseas...
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