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Reflection on Family Preservation Strategies for Families in Poverty

Essay Instructions:

This is an assignment for a social work class(social work is not sociology)

Read the required reading for this week (class #13 2020/12/08) and write a reflection paper (3 pages not including title page) on one or two of the readings. you can find the readings for this week and the detailed requirements of the reflection paper in the syllabus.

I will attach the syllabus in files. please read the syllabus carefully.

I will also attach a sample essay from week 3 for you to refer.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Reflection on Family Preservation Strategies for Families in Poverty
Social work is involved in enhancing the well-being of individuals in society. This includes helping the members of the community in meeting their needs, both primary and complex. In line with this, it also consists of the basic unit of society, which is the family. A good understanding of the various culture, different populations, and types of individuals are essential to provide the best intervention while also addressing social injustices and limitations to the individual’s well-being. There are many barriers to an individual’s well-being, such as discrimination, unemployment, and the most common is poverty.
I really agree with how poverty significantly affects families and individuals, shaping their personalities and attributes. This challenging circumstance can go both ways and mold them positively or negatively, both concerning the individuals and the overall family dynamics. Different factors are associated with poverty that poses limitations to the available opportunities for families but based on studies, a positive outcome in some families experiencing poverty is increased resilience. There are common factors that are seen in those families who become more resilient through adversity, and these are having faith in a higher being, having a sound support system, having an inner locus of control, and the ability to practice downward comparison.
Poverty puts people through challenging circumstances and adversity that will make them question their own life purpose and even the reason behind their status in comparison to those who are experiencing normal or even luxurious lives. A healthy theological view enables the client/s and the families to believe that their lives have meaning and purpose given by the creator, and this should not be defined by poverty alone. This can be considered as a coping mechanism that helps people go through adversities with hope and fulfillment.
In addition to faith and spirituality, the support system that is present in the lives of the clients and families is essential. Studies show that social circles are critical because it provides interventions at the time of need. Those families who are experiencing poverty already have limited options and opportunities, but the presence of social support from families and friends will provide companionship, emotional support, informational support, and instrumental support. These types of support help maintain a healthy mindset and well-being against stressful events.
The locus of control refers to a person’s ability to orient himself/herself to life’s forces. Poverty is one strong force of nature that may be looked at from different perspectives. Some individuals who have an exte...
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