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Social Sciences Essay: CULTURAL SURVIVAL LAB(Anthropology)

Essay Instructions:

Plz follow all the detail. For the Economy part, at least one page, for the other 6 parts, half paper at least. and plz write it for the long term. Please refer to the reality in Canada. For example, guns are prohibited in Canada, so there will be no guns in the essay. You can write as first person or third person

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Survival Lab (Anthropology)
Course code:
Food will a basic need for the survival of our society. At the moment, we have enough food supply to last the 16 of us for a whole month. Consequently, we society will adopt a hunter and gatherers lifestyle to sustain the food supply. The eight female members will be tasked with gathering foodstuff in northern Manitoba. Cylindrical, Birch Bark container will be helpful in the collecting of berries, roots, and edible mushrooms. The eight male members will be involved in hunting animals roaming in the forested area and fishing in the nearby Nelson River. Sinew String and wood and Antler Arrow Point will help take down animals during hunting. For fishing Antler, Harpoon Tip will provide us with the benchmark for creating more fishing equipment.
The shelter is important because of the climate of the crash location. The annual temperatures are 16 degrees C [Range 10 – 25 C] meaning the region is cold. The crash site has a log cabin which is a collapsing structure and uninhabitable. The cabin is made of wood and grass which are readily available in the crash site surroundings. The crash site has trees like Jack Pine which is a widely used commercial timber species in the United States and Canada. Larches and underbrush vegetation will be used for roofing and proofing the inside of the cabins against cold. Also, the tipi frame is an artifact that will be instrumental in creating the roofing for the structures being built.
Other utilities we will need for survival is clothing. Rawhide Moccasins are snowshoes that can be made using rawhide found on the crash site. Fishnet needles, wood shuttle, sinew, and wood are equipment that will help in sewing and weaving clothes and shoes. Materials will come from hides and skins from hunted animals and underbrush which can be used for dresses. For cooking, there the location has hard rocks that can light fires to prepare the food, a bone knife for cutting and slicing, and a wooden spoon for eating. Bow drill fire starter kit is another alternative to light fires for cooking and warmth. Lastly, the crash site is surrounded by a river to the north and a lake to the west. Therefore, water will be the main form of transportation aided by the Model, Birch Bark Canoe.
The members of the society are allowed to have relationships leading up to marriage. Marriage will not be mandatory however as a form of enticement, any married couple will form the first family of a lineage named after them. Since there are eight males and females respectively, society will be hoping to have eight families that can grow in the future making the society larger. To ensure the long-term survival of the society, one sexual moral restriction will be homosexuality. This will be a short-term restriction and the society will become freer when the population is sustainable.
The family setting will be crucial in the socialization and education aspect of future generations. Traditions will be passed through word of mouth and instilled in the children from an early age. Skill education will be divided according to age and gender where girls will be taught how to cook, harvest, and make clothes. The sons will be involved in hunting fishing and when they come of age, some can be recruited to protect the social boundaries. Learning a skill will be the main form of education for society passed down in families. This is due to the lack of finances needed to run institutions such as schools. Therefore, until the society grows in monetary value, educating the children will be the responsibility of the parents or relatives.
Political Organization and Control
The political organization will be crucial to maintaining order and stability in society. Therefore, a leadership structure will be constructed early on and revised as the society keeps growing. The society will adopt a monarch system of government built around a democratic of ideas and principles about freedom. Practices and other procedures will be modeled throughout the history of socie...
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