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Does Testosterone Cause Aggressive Behavior?

Essay Instructions:

In your own words (do not use quotations), answer the following (500 word limit in total):

a) Does testosterone cause aggressive behavior?

b) How are environment and experience key to understanding testosterone and aggression?

c) “The genetics of behavior is usually meaningless outside the context of the social factors and environment in which it occurs” (Sapolsky, 1998). Explain.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Testosterone and Aggressive Behavior
* Does Testosterone Cause Aggressive Behavior?
Studies have shown that higher amount of testosterone are associated with aggressive behaviors in animals. Locally produced testosterones in the brain are the one that are more likely to influence aggressive traits in animals compared to the testicular testosterone produced in the testicular. This is because the locally produced testosterones usually contains high levels of androgen, which is usually associated with the aggression within animals. On the contrary however, aggressive traits in animals has not solely been influenced by the levels of testosterones and this has been confirmed by some rare findings that not all castrated animals automatically become less aggressive. With this finding, it is therefore convincible to ascertain that as much as testosterone is associated with aggressive behavior in animals, it is not the sole cause of aggressive behavior in animals as it only plummets the aggression to some lower levels but does not completely eradicate it to zero levels. At times even when the source of testosterone is blocked by castration of animals, some animals have continued to show high levels of aggression.
* How are environment and experience key to understanding testosterone and aggression?
Besides the levels of testosterone in an animal, environment within which an animal is brought up, especially in early stages plays a key role in shaping aggression. Animals are said to b...
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