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Virtue Ethics. Axiology, a branch of technical philosophy

Essay Instructions:

The key criteria you must meet for satisfying the critical thinking assignment rubric are 1)

Identify the arguments and questions involved, 2) Interpret the sources you use, including quotations

and paraphrases from the text 3) Consider, analyze and evaluate alternatives to the theoretical view you

are examining, 4) Draw conclusions from your analysis, and 5)

Present your results in a logical and organized fashion.

Present the main viewpoints of key philosophers associated with the theory

_____ Include a discussion of the main terms and arguments

_____ Include a practical example or story to help explain the view you explore

_____ Present your own reflections on the adequacy of the theory for moral reasoning

_____ Include at least two quotes/references from the article(s) studied in your textbook (Western Philosophy

An Anthopology) Second Edition by John Cottingham) starting from p487

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Virtue Ethics
Virtue Ethics
Axiology, a branch of technical philosophy is concerned with the study and analysis of ethical and aesthetic values among human beings. Specific values emphasize an individual's character, giving no attention to the rules laid by various social and religious norms. The approach is the main view of virtue ethics, which refers to an approach to ethical values through emphasizing on the human characters independent than the consequences or predefined rules. Historically, these concepts originated from Greek philosophy where the great philosophers coined it, named Plato and Aristotle (Bright, Winn, & Kanov, 2014). The concept of the theory of virtue is a person based theory rather than action based. In other words, the theory is concerned with a particular person involved in a specific behavior, regardless of the consequences of the behavior, but the reasons for the behavior. Most times, predefined rules in most societies may fail to solve immediate problems affecting human beings. As a result, human beings may be tempted to break the rules as they strive to help their situations. According to other theories of moral values, breaking the rules would mean a severe offense.
However, virtue ethics theory concentrates on the individual and the reason for the particular behavior. For example, stealing medicine from a chemist to save a life, may be due to lack of money to purchase the medicine would be considered right according to virtue ethics. Therefore, the arguments presented by the theory can be used in real life situation to solve most problems affecting humanity. The arguments postulated by the theory are generally used in real life situations and are directed towards satisfying the personal needs of the actor. One of the main arguments of the theory is human existence and individuals with virtues would do anything to make sure life is restored by preventing bad luck. According to most theorists, morality comes as a result of the natural virtues. Another argument on the virtue theory is that human beings always strive to uphold their relationship with their friends, through safeguarding human relations, especially the authentic friendship. Based on the arguments, the theory is concerned with the well-being of individuals thus, suggesting for individual-centered behaviors for their satisfaction. Unlike other theories of moral values that would advocate for a strict following of rules for meeting specific consequences, the theory advocates for intellectual reasoning towards handling various life situations.
Even though the theory is based on individuals rather than actions or consequences, a virtuous person should be capable of portraying characteristics supporting an individual's moral excellence and collective well-being. Unlike values, which are set rules and regulations to be followed by individuals, virtues are inherent characters within an individual. The concept of moral virtues involves a series of reasoning within an individual tending a given activity. The actions are then undertaken, not according to the law, but because they are of benefit to human beings (Van Hooft, 2014). A series of questions have been raised on specific activities that are usually carried out by people. For example, suppose a man has a very sick wife who must take specifically pres...
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