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Origin, History, and Forms of Worship of the Unitarian Religion

Essay Instructions:

1. You will be assigned ONE religion/philosophy

My religion is UNITARIANS

2. Research the following sub-topics:

a) Origins/Roots of the belief system

b) History of the religion

c) Beliefs/Values/Forms of Worship

d) Demographics/values

e) Important figures within the religion

f) Holidays/Celebrations/Significant days

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Institutional Affiliation
Unitarian religion refers to a Christian movement that believes in God as one as opposed to the trinity doctrine. The religion does not adhere to specified beliefs and comprises of individuals that align themselves to different religions such as Christianity, Buddhism, and Atheist among others (Slick, 2008, Dec 15).
Origin/ roots of the religion
Unitarian religion traces its roots in the 16th century after the Reformation of Protestants in Poland and Transylvania in the 1560s (Greenwood & Harris, 2011, pp. 14-16). Before the 1560s, Christianity ruled over Pollard, Britain and the United States. However, after the Reformation, citizens all over Europe began pushing to have the right to read and interpret the bible for themselves (Greenwood & Harris, 2011, pp. 14-16). The freedom resulted in many questioning the doctrine of trinity due to lack of evidence to support it. Consequently, opposition grew resulting in the development of the word ‘Unitarian’ which meant the oneness of God and the development of the Unitarian movement.
History of Unitarian religion
The declaration of religious tolerance by King Sigismund in 1958 saw the development of a Unitarian congregation in Transylvania, which shared their religious beliefs with other people (BBC, 2014). The 16th and the 17th centuries saw the spread of the religion to numerous locations among them Rakow, Poland, and Philadelphia America. From the 17th to the 19th centuries; several Unitarian believers spread the faith across the United States and New England. By mid 20th century, the religion had support from strong liberal religious individuals such as James Reeb and formed the Unitarian Universalist Association in 1961 (BBC, 2014). Today, the denomination spreads across Europe and the US practicing universal salvation.
Beliefs/values/ forms of worship
Unitarians believe that God exists as one being, God the father and Jesus as the son of God who is a man, a great teacher, and leader (Gree...
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