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Short Essay, Supreme Court Decisions

Essay Instructions:

Based on provided reading

Analyze the nature of the legal controversy and express your opinion.

Do you agree with the Supreme Court Ruling?

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Opinion on the Supreme Court Rulings
On Case Study One, I strongly disagree with the Supreme Court's decision which holds that New York transit workers had no obligation to help a woman being raped in the station. The Rescue Rule is retrogressive and backward; it does not only reflect insurmountable larceny in humanity, but also everything that America does not stand for. The notion on New York case that ‘that transit employees are not expected to act as police' is defeatist and contradicts the adage of us being our brother's keepers. Before we are anything else, we all are part of a larger family of the human race, responsible for the welfare, well-being, and safety of one another. The American Constitution is in itself a sacrosanct document whose foundation is on protecting the weak, vulnerable and those who cannot protect themselves. To attack a vulnerable woman, stab her multiple times and rape her while doing nothing to help is then an insult to the constitution, which bestows upon every American the sole responsibility of protecting the weak. It should, therefore, be an offense under the law, because we are all entirely obligated to one another's safety and well-being.
On Case Study Two, I agree with the Supreme Court's ruling that racial segregation in public settings is unconstitutional. During the proclamation, our constitution affirmed that all people are crea...
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