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The Freedom of Real Apologies. Religion & Theology Essay

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I choose The Freedom of Real Apologies theme , going the website to listen this topic . use this topic to do the project .

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Freedom of Real Apologies
March 30th 2017
The Freedom of Real Apologies
The Freedom of Real Apologies
The conversation is between Krista Tippett and Layli Long Soldire. Krista Tippett is a journalist, an entrepreneur and an author. She has written several books including becoming wise, speaking of faith etc. In 2014, she received an award from the then president, Barack Obama - the National Humanities Medal. Layli Long Soldier is an writer who is a citizen of the U.S that comes from Oglala Lakota Nation. She grew up in Arizona but now teaches at English at Dine College of Navajo people.
The conversation centers around the low key and hurried apology that the U.S government made to the natives in 2009. It was done quietly such that no one even noticed immediately. The argument is that apologies have to be sincere and from the heart for them to even have a lasting impact on people. No one has to make an apology if they cannot be real about it. When people want to make real apologies, they must ensure that they are in contact with the people they are apologizing to and not make hurried statements.
I am a Christian and I believe in the doctrines of the bible that hold that apologies should be sincere and from the heart. That is what God loved King David. It is part of accepting and owning up to anything wrong one did and making peace with the people that were wronged. But to make this peace, one has that freedom to deliver the apology in a real manner. When we sin and ask for forgiveness from God, we are apologizing and we cannot expect to be forgiven if we are not true and sincere with our apologies.
Within the conversation, there is a connection with the Catholic teaching on participation and subsidiarity. Though not directly linked, it was the reason why the government felt in the first place that they had to apologize. It was the abuse of this right of the natives, their right to participate in economic, cultural, and political activities that prompted the government to apologize. The government acknowledged that long years of exclusion of the natives was wrong and that they had a right to participate. By apologizing, the gov...
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