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Answering questions. Roman Catholic Church Religion & Theology Essay

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find some video from the youtube and record the link on the file and answer the questions.

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Answering Questions
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1. How did the Roman Catholic Church control daily life & spiritual life in medieval Europe, give some examples.
As is shown in this video, the Roman Catholic Church formed a significant part of the lives of various people in medieval Europe. It was the one and only church in Europe for centuries that led up to the Reformation; it exercised considerable control both temporally and spiritually (Schilling). The dominance was done in the form of landholding, which gave the Roman Catholic Church considerable leverage over the crowned heads of Europe. For instance, the Pope headed the church for years, and they used a number of ways to keep people in line such as punitive financial measures and military forces.
2. What was Luther's life like before he became a monk?
In 1505, Luther had a life-changing experience that paved his way toward becoming a monk. Before that, his life was simple, and his parents Margerette and Hans Luther were of peasant lineage. In 1484, his family migrated from Eisleben to Mansfeld, where Lother’s father held ore deposits. ...
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