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The Parable of the Sower: Re-Written for a Modern Audience

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TASK DESCRIPTION: Each student will Individually select one of the parables from the three Synoptic Gospels. They will summarize the parable and then rewrite it for a modern audience. The point is to retell the story of the parable in a way that would make more sense for today’s readers using ideas, places, and things from our modern context the way Jesus used things from his own times to help the stories make sense. They will make sure that however much they change the story it still teaches the same lesson which they will explain. Finally the will make or select a piece of art to help people visualize their new story and explain how that piece of art helps potential readers and viewers to better understand the parable.

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Parable Project
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The Parable of the Sower: Re-Written for a Modern Audience
The Parable of the Sower is one of Jesus’ parables found in the Synoptic Gospel of (Luke 8: 4-15, The Holy Bible NLT). In the parable, a sower disperses seeds indiscriminately. Some fall by the wayside, some fall on rock, and some fall among thorns. In these cases, the seeds are trampled down, withered away, or chocked up. But, when the seeds fell on good ground, they yielded a crop a hundredfold. Then Jesus (at the request of his disciples) explains that seed signifies the word of God, the sower signifies anyone who proclaims the word of God, and the different soils signify people’s reaction to the word of God.
A Modern Day Parable of the Sower
Once, there was a YouTuber who uploaded videos on YouTube. On one particular day, he uploaded a few videos. Some were viewed for several minutes but the viewers got distracted by other videos in their recommended list, and all his hard work went unnoticed. So, the YouTuber decided to upload his video on a specific social media platform, and it was shared almost instantaneously. However, while he got a lot of views and shares, after a few weeks, his videos were ignored because other more interesting videos were uploaded. The YouTuber then decided to post his videos on social media platforms that were associated with much controversy to see how they would do. Unluckily, the videos were not received any better in these platforms, and the critics ridiculed him in the comment section. Finally, the YouTuber decided to target his vid...
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