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Aristotle On Happiness and The Good Life, From the Nicomachean Ethics

Essay Instructions:

Source Analysis Paper PromptOne of the most important things that historians do is analyze primary sources, which are texts (remember that in this case a ‘text’ can be written or a visual or material artifact) that were created during the time under study. In this class, we will practice some basics of analyzing primary sources, and this assignment will help you do that. You must do 2 primary source analysis papers during the semester. These write-ups should be 2-3 pages long (double-spaced, normal font, font size and margins) and each is worth 7.5 points.*** IMPORTANT NOTE: Please remember that I am more interested in process – how you are engaging with the text and asking questions of it – than I am in you having the ‘correct’ answer. In this context, YOU MUST BE WARY OF REFERRING TO OUTSIDE ONLINE SOURCES. If you do so, please cite your sources, and also make sure you do not allow this information to replace the more important process of working through the material. ***

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Source Analysis of Aristotle On Happiness and The Good Life, From the Nicomachean Ethics
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1) WHO wrote the
The text was written by Aristotle, who was a Greek philosopher and scientist. He was born in Stagira, a city in the north of classical Greece in 384BC.
2) When the text was written
The text was first published in 1819 and was written during the ancient philosophy era. This explains the reason as to why the author refers to the works of other great philosophers such as Socrates. The notion that people had about life during that time contributed a lot to the ideas presented in the text.
3) WHERE the text was written
The article was written in Greek, and it was highly related to the ideas being discussed. The era was characterized by ancient philosophy which tried to explain the importance of virtues and happiness in the life of human beings. Therefore, the events being described were close to the writing of the text because they were the people's daily way of living.
4) WHAT GENRE is the text
The text is a book.
5) TO WHOM/AUDIENCE of the text.
The boom was directed towards the public audience. It describes the various virtues in the life of human beings and their context in bringing happiness. In addition, the text does not offer any restrictions as to who should read it. It has respectable language hence making suitable for anyone who has the ability to read. Most books are directed towards the general public. Also, its availability across the internet offers easy access to any person willing to read the book. Aristotle claims that he had dedicated the book to his son who was...
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