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Discussion Week 9 Writing Assignment: Coach Matching

Essay Instructions:

Matching Coach to Client
Reflect, for a moment, on the Application Assignment this week and on the diversity considerations related to the clients in the case studies. Did you find yourself thinking about any commonalties you might share with these clients? How do you think sharing any affiliation with your clients, whether it be race, ethnicity, gender, or age, might influence the effectiveness of the coaching process? In some instances, matching a coach to a client on this basis might be advantageous because the shared commonality might enhance trust and lead to candidness in the coaching sessions. Alternatively, pairing coaches and clients based on their similarities might stifle the coaching process and impair the client's ability to step outside of his or her comfort zone. Thus, when choosing a coach, leaders and their organizations must consider the ultimate goal of coaching and discern which particular coach will best meet their needs. Similarly, before accepting a coaching assignment, coaches must consider the needs of the client and decide if they are the best person for the job.
To prepare for this Discussion:
• Review the article, "Dear White Boss..." and the online chapter, "Developing the Effectiveness of a High-Powered African American Executive: The Anatomy of a Coaching Assignment." Reflect on the benefits and drawbacks of matching coaches and clients based on shared race and ethnicity.
• Review the online chapter, "Executive Growth along the Adult Development Curve." Consider the benefits and drawbacks of matching coaches to clients based on age.
• Review the online chapter, "Multimodal Therapy: A Useful Model for the Executive Coach." Think about how matching coaches and clients based on aspects of shared diversity considerations might contribute to a coach's understanding of the client's personality.
• Review the article, "Executive Coaching in a Cross-Cultural Context." Think about how matching coaches to clients based on diversity might influence the coaching process and the coach-client relationship.
• Reflect on your Application Assignment this week. Bring to mind the diversity considerations you would have as a coach with each of the clients in the case studies. Consider how having a shared or different background from the client might affect how you would address these considerations during the coaching process.
• Think of a specific coaching situation for which matching a coach to a client based on a particular dimension of diversity is appropriate and a specific coaching situation for which matching coach to client in this same manner would be inappropriate and consider why.
With these thoughts in mind:
Post by Day 5 an example of a specific coaching situation in which matching a client and coach based on a shared dimension of diversity is appropriate and explain why. Conversely, provide an example of a specific coaching situation in which matching coach to client in this same manner would be inappropriate and explain why. Be specific.
Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references from the Learning Resources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Coach Matching
Coach Matching
There is a relationship that develops between the coach and the trainees and this is one that determines the success of the training program. While there are some other factors that are considered to be quite crucial when it comes to the success of the training. The matching element of the client and the coach can play a significant element in the success of the training and the outcomes of the same in the future. As such, matching the client and coach is a crucial element that in some of the cases is quite difficult to achieve. There is what the client wants and there is what the coach wants. These are two different elements and they can be in conflict where they are not considered correctly. Matching comes with a number of benefits, among them the connectedness that the client that the coach are able to achieve at the same time there is a risk associated with the clients not taking the training with the seriousness that is deserved and thus compromising the expected results (Axelrod, 2005). This is a bargain that managers have to work with relative to the goals that they want to achieve in the organization using the training. Some of the most common preferences that the coaches and the trainers will work with include, but limited to ethnicity, coaching style, age, gender, race, religion, domain and expertise.
One of the most common elements of matching is with reference to age. This could be a training that is associated with getting some of the youngest teams in the company to get some insights on their new roles and the trends in the market. The element of age is crucial in that given that the team that is being trained is young, there is some element of connection that is bound to develop. The coach and the trainees feel safe around one another and they are easier to relate even at the personal levels. As such, this is a training that is bound to be quite intriguing on the basis of the openness levels between the coach and the trainees. The level of conversations creation is much more easily derived that would be with an older trainer (Axelrod, 2005). There is a natural aspect associated with the fact that, due to the ease of connection between the young trainees and the coach, the details of the communication protocols are neglected and trainees can easily ask questions with little to no worries. In the case of the trainers, they do not have to spend too much time creating the connection with...
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