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Final Writing Assignment Project: Leadership Coaching

Essay Instructions:

Final Project
For your Final Project, due by Day 7 of Week 10, you will apply what you have learned in this course to the three clients in the Course Case Studies. Specifically, you will apply coaching approaches, models, frameworks, strategies, and guidelines to each of the three case study clients.
You will present your Final Project in the following way:
A 13- to 15-page (not including references, title page, or abstract), double-spaced, APA-formatted paper.
You must include the following in your Final Project:
A minimum of 15 references (in addition to any course readings that you may wish to reference). Please be aware that user-created Web sites such as Wikipedia will not be accepted as scholarly references. (Please consult Walden University Library's "How do I...?" section on evaluating research resources.)
An evaluation of each client's readiness to participate in coaching for leadership development.
A description of each client's specific characteristics that might contribute to and detract from the effectiveness of coaching for leadership development.
An explanation of how you would address each client's characteristics that might detract from the effectiveness of coaching for leadership development.
A description of the coaching stakeholders in each case study.
A description of the organizational factors and conditions in each case study that might contribute to and detract from the effectiveness of coaching for leadership development.
An explanation of how you would address the organizational factors and/or conditions that might detract from the effectiveness of coaching for leadership development.
A description of the approach, model, and/or framework you would use with each client and an explanation of why.
A description of at least one assessment you would use with each client and an explanation of why.
An explanation of specific leadership competencies that require further development for each client based on the assessment data.

Client # 1: Feng

Client # 2: Lila

Client # 3: Carlyle

An explanation of how the assessment data would guide your work with each client. Be sure to include a brief explanation of how the data might influence how you would use the coaching approaches, models, and/or frameworks that you selected to use with each client.

A description of the challenges you might encounter coaching each client and an explanation of how you would address each using specific coaching strategies.

A description of the diversity considerations related to working with each client and an explanation of how you would address these considerations.

A description of ethical and legal dilemmas that might arise in each case study and an explanation of how you would address these dilemmas using specific ethical guidelines.

A description of the desired coaching outcomes for each client and an explanation of how you would evaluate these outcomes.

An explanation, based on Kirkpatrick's model, of how leadership coaching contributes to leadership development.

You may choose to use the above bulleted items as the basis for topic headings throughout your paper.

The Final Project will be evaluated according to all four indicators in the Application Assignment and Final Project Writing Rubric, located in the Course Info area. The Final Project is worth 20 points and weighted to impact 30% of your grade.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Leadership Coaching
Leadership Coaching
Working with different leaders in a leadership development program can turn into one of the most intriguing experiences. This is relative to the fact that, given that every other leader has their style of management and their own personality along with the approaches that they use in any given approach. Leadership is a dynamic element but in most of the cases it is guided by the leader and their characteristic approach to every other situation (West & Milan, 2001). It is common to find patterns that are associated with every other leader. It is these differences that makes training leaders on leadership development quite intriguing as they all come with their own prejudices and characteristics that make them unique in one or the other. While there may be some element of similarity in the mentioned characteristics there are differences in the way that they handle different situations (Development Dimensions International, 2018). The differences in the leaders means that the training program has to address the unique nature of the personalities at the personal leave to achieve the objectives (Personal-coaching-information, 2018). This paper addresses the differences between three main leaders, namely Feng, Lila and Carlyle who are part of the training program. These are leaders as mentioned above who are unique in their own ways and the program is geared towards specializing their training to match the differences that arise from interacting with each one of them, for maximum outputs (Wasylyshyn, 2014).
Case Studies
In the case of Feng in reference to the readiness to take part in the coaching for leadership, there are a few elements that have to be looked into. One is the fact that he needs to add some element of structure into his leadership style. Secondly, there is the element of improving on the level of agreeableness and lastly the element of being flexible relative to change. Change in subject is the key aspect. Feng is quite rigid in reference to change and this is likely to be exhibited when it comes to the level of readiness to take part in the training (Development Dimensions International, 2018). For one to be a good student, there is need for them be ready to make some changes to what they already know for them to gain new knowledge and strategies that are going to improve their ability to lead others and achieve their goals. In light of the fact that he is quite rigid, this could present a challenge.
Effectiveness of the coaching process is dependent on the candidate. As mentioned above, the fact that Feng does not use a flexible approach when it comes to change, this is likely to present a challenge. Gaining knowledge can easily be defined as a change in behavior. The element of change is largely ingrained in any level of training. Whether it is simply changing a perception or altering information previously held. There has to be change for one to learn. However there is also the fact that he takes charge whenever there is chance and this presents an opportunity for the trainers to capitalize on to get him to take the training in step.
To address the challenge associated with the inflexibility to change exhibited by Feng, it is going to be important to explain to him how the approach inhibits his growth (Development Dimensions International, 2018). This is the first step of making sure that he understands the challenge that he faces in light of improving his skills. From this stage, it is possible to assist him to look forward to the developments in the training with an open mind to change.
It is important to consider that, every other leader will form some element of perception when it comes to the people that they lead. It is these perception that this stage is supposed to eradicate and form new ones. Using the stakeholders is a crucial part of the change process (Possibility to Reality, 2018). This is relative to the fact that, as a leader, there is need to have some of the major players in the management structure understand what it is that the leader and the training are trying to achieve. The stakeholders in this cases will involve all the immediate leaders below and above Feng (Possibility to Reality, 2018).
The organization where Feng works is in a large way going to affect the way in which he can effect changes that the training is going to achieve. Simply put, the organization has the power to effect the effectiveness of the coaching processes on the leadership development training. As such, it is important that the organization is looked at from a removed perspective to try and establish the factors and conditions that may affect the coaching of Mr. Feng. One of the factors is the organizational culture that is practiced. This is a crucial element as it determines the processes at the organization from the leader to the subordinates and clients. The other is the leadership structure and style employed at the organization.
To make sure that the organization does not affect the effectiveness of the coaching processes, it is important to address the challenges sustainably. In the case of the culture this is ingrained and it important that is forged in manner that it is flexible to new changes. Interestingly, this is tied to the structure and style of management at the company. Ideally, a flat structure that allows for a style of management where workers are able to connect with the management is crucial (Personal-coaching-information, 2018). This way, where Feng brings some changes onboard, they are likely to be implemented with less resistance. This paints a picture of how the changes are to be effected from the leader all the way to the organization. This chain in the changes is crucial to ensure the success of the efforts.
The help Feng outgrow his older approaches in leadership, the GROW model is going to be aN in important element. This is a model that is represented as an acronym (Mindtools, 2018). The first letter of the model, stands for goal. This is associated with setting a goal for the candidate with which all the others processes are going to be focused on. The second letter stands for the current situation, which is a representation of the reality the leader is at. The third letter on the other hand is a representation of the options. This is largely associated with evaluating options to implement the change through training. The last letter is the will which is a representation of the way forward out of the current situation (Mindtools, 2018).
This is an assessment that offers a full range of information on the leader. The results are well tabulated and the feedback is easy to read through. It is also important to mention that the results are straight to the point making it quite easy to pin point what exactly is the problem. What is more is the fact that, the results also come with the feedback that also suggests the areas that require to be improved on relative to the goals of the training. This is a very good assessment and one that is very objective when it comes to enhancing the direction and the goals of coaching leadership development.
In consideration of Feng as a leader, the results from the TriMetrix assessment indicate there are a few areas that need to be addressed to increase his ability to lead. One is on the area of sensibility. As a leader one is supposed to be stoic, remaining unshaken whenever there is an issue in the processes associated with the organization (Priceless Professional Development, 2018). In the case of Feng, it is crucial that he embraces the element of structure so that unexpected events do not come as a surprise. It is also important that Feng is able to improve on the level of agreeableness as well being more flexible when considering conscientiousness (TTI Success Insights, 2018).
To achieve the goals set out for the training is important to consider how the assessment results and the GROW model all come together. One of the aspects to consider is that, it is important to first set the goals. These are to improve on the inclusion of structure, improve on the levels of agreeableness and those of flexibility. Feng’s reality is that, he is low on Agreeableness and is inflexible. At the same time there is need for more structure inclusion to enhance the ability to deal with arising situations that are sometimes unexpected. By changing to a more open minded leader, Feng will be able to change the approaches of leadership and form new more flexible leadership style.
The main challenges to helping Feng will be getting him to be flexible to change. Given that he has an approach that almost rigid following certain protocols and leading by the book, he is more towards a transactional leader. However, this can all change if he is able to approach leadership with a more open minded course. This will also apply to him being flexible enough to unlearn old habits and techniques and apply new and innovative ways.
It is important for Feng to understand that there are various elements of diversity and they do not necessarily mean that leadership is going to be compromised. Specifically the diversity in reference to leadership styles is a crucial element which Feng could benefit from. Cultural diversity is also another important aspect to consider which changes every other aspect of leadership. Using the stakeholders’ inclusion technique it is much easier for Feng to learn about how diversity affects leadership such as introducing western and eastern economic ideologies (Possibility to Reality, 2018).
There are quite a number of ethical issues that come with the case. In consideration of the need for the training, one of the ethical issues could be that the boss to Feng has marked him for suspension if he does not show improvement in his leadership abilities. While as a trainer this information may be provided by the boss to Feng, the latter should not know about the situation. This creates a dilemma as the coach has to make sure that they do not show it or tell the candidate (Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2018). There is also the legal aspect of the situation that may arise if Feng has in the past been using alcohol and he comes to one the sessions smelling alcohol. Thus presents a dilemma for the coach as to whether they should report the case or simply counsel Feng, or both (O'Sullivan, 2014).
The outcomes in Feng’s case are for him to be a more flexible, which is an inhibiting factor in his leadership approaches. By taking on a more open minded approach it is easier for him to achieve his leadership goals. To evaluate the progress, the test will be used again to ascertain the changes relative to the training and changes in style, personality and approaches to leadership.
In the case of Lila and the element of being ready for the training, unlike the Feng, she is flexible. This is a good quality that I crucial when it comes to learning. Learning involves changes in behavior whether in reference to practices or perceptions. In her case, she takes on a personality that is flexible and ready for the training. This is an extension of the fact that even in the general matter she is considered to be quite flexible, making her the perfect candidate for the program.
Given that she likes to take initiative this is going to go a long way in the quest for the achievement of the goals of the training. At the same time there is the element of being flexible which as mentioned above, is a crucial characteristic for a learner. This is going to come in handy as part of the personality traits that will help smoothen the training. As a learner it is important that the trainee is flexible enough to change their habits and even unlearn what they already know. However there is the issue of being too emotional that may require the leader to show some element of stability. This could easily affect the strategies learnt and also affect the retention element if indeed she cannot change the element of emotionally too flexible. At sometimes, leaders have to make decisions that are unpopular.
In light of the decision making process associated with the emotional characteristics of the candidate. It is important that the candidate is able to make decisions without as much as involving the emotional part of their character. Most of the time as a leader, one is supposed to make decisions that are not popular with the rest of the team and this means that they are going to conflict with the rest of the team. While she may fear that she is going to be affecting the emotions of the other parties the most important concern should be the fact that the rest of the teams are likely to view her as weak. It is counterintuitive, and as a leader she needs to understand this concept so as to make sure she is able to make and implement changes in her department.
In the case of the training in question, the stakeholders are going to be very crucial to make sure that the candidate is able to integrate her training with those around her (Stadler, 2010). As a leader, it is common that there are notions that are going to be formed from the years one has spent being at the head of a department. As such the best parties to take part as stakeholders are the people that she works with at her office. This can be a few of her juniors and seniors (Possibility to Reality, 2018). From the interaction she will have with the stakeholders she will be able to form new connections and status quo, breaking away from what has been the traditional platform of interaction. Stakeholder coaching is quite crucial relative to the fact that, this forms the basis of the new level of leadership that the training is trying to achieve (Stadler, 2010).
In the case of the organization factors that might affect the effectiveness of the training, there two man in one which include the organizational culture and the organizational structure. These are crucial factors of the organizational process and affect the way that different processes are implemented at the organization. The culture determines the way the differ...
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