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Outcomes & Evaluations, Training Executives

Essay Instructions:

Discussion - Week 11


Outcomes and Evaluation

Is coaching effective? Many clients and stakeholders might ask this question. How would you answer such a question? To comment on the effectiveness of coaching in general might be difficult since there is little empirical research on its effectiveness. One reason for this is that every client and coaching engagement is unique, and, therefore, it is difficult to generalize the results of one client to all clients. However, when asked if coaching is effective, you certainly can answer it specifically as it relates to the client with whom you are working. One way to do this is to evaluate the client based on desired outcomes. This requires that you identify evaluation measures that provide objective data and are meaningful to clients and organizational stakeholders. Objective evaluation of coaching effectiveness is what sets psychological, science-based coaching apart from other types of coaching. In addition to identifying measures that provide objective data, you also must identify evaluation measures that are reliable and valid. This week's Discussion will help prepare you for conducting your own coaching evaluation.

To prepare for this Discussion:

• Review the online chapter, "Executive Coaching: An Outcome Study." Focus on the section, "Indicators of Successful Coaching," and consider how you might measure such indicators.

• Review the article, "Evaluating the Effectiveness of Executive Coaching: Where Are We Now and Where Do We Need to Be?" Pay particular attention to the possible data sources used to evaluate coaching effectiveness.

• Review the online chapter, "Coaching: The Successful Adventure of a Downwardly Mobile Executive." Focus on the article's case study and think about Terry's goals and objectives at the beginning of the coaching engagement. Consider how Terry's achievement of these goals and objectives might be measured.

• Review the Course Case Studies, provided in the Introduction area, and choose one client to use for this Discussion thread.

• Reflect on the assessment results for your selected client, also provided in the Introduction area. Consider the leadership competencies in which the client needs development.

• With this in mind, think about desired coaching outcomes and how you might evaluate the eventual success of these outcomes.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 4 a brief description of the desired coaching outcomes for one of the clients in the course case studies. Then explain how you would measure these outcomes. Be specific.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Executive Coaching
Executive Coaching
When training executives, coaches have to work with the objectives of the leaders to make sure they have what it takes to deliver on the same. At the same time there is what the organization is trying to achieve with the training of their executives. Other than that there is also the objectives of the trainer. This is relative to make sure that they are able to deliver on the objectives of the organization, the executives and their own goals as coaches (GuruMaker, 2018). As such, it is always important for the coaches to make sure they have a way of evaluating the inputs and the outputs that are realized within the sessions and with the entire training. This helps with refining any future trainings and more importantly trying to adjust the training directions as they go on to make sure they achieve what it is they are designed to do. At this point it is important to note that each of the leadership training is going to be unique. As such, much of the derivatives that are going to be important for one of the training are not going to matter in another (Blattner, 2005). As such, for the trainers it is important to make sure that they fine tune the evaluation to match the goals of the training that they are facilitating. While there may be some similarities when it comes to the objectives of the training there are subtle differences in what the leaders, organization and the trainer want to achieve at any given time. Even training within the same organization with different departments is going to be unique (GuruMaker, 2018). Each of the trainees in either of the groups is going to be unique too and therefore demands unique evaluation techniques. In the case of the subject under review they have a poor structure which affects their readiness to change. At the same time they have an inflexible element which is also associated with the fact that, they could be considered to be less agreeable in most of the situations.
In the case of the client it is important to first understand the key elements that have to be addressed. These include the facts according to the results; the client does not have the right structure in his leadership approaches to be in a position to anticipate change and even to deal with the changes as they come. It is important for leaders to remain stoic by the changes that are taking place in the environment. There is need for more structure to minimize the impacts that comes with unexpected events. It is also important to mention that, there is need to adjust the level of agreeableness seeing that the leader tends be quite rigid which is also reflected on the element of conscientiousness. It is important for a leader to be ready for change and more importantly be able to handle the changes as they come. In this case, the leaders in the case study is having a challenging preparing and adjusting to change relative to the strict approach that they use (Mackie, 2007).
In line with the objectives of the training for the leader there are specific outcomes that are expected at the end of the training for the leaders to have mastered. This also means that they are part of what the coaching process is going to be focused on. One of them as mentioned above is the ability for leader to be in a position to incorporate more structure in the leadership development plans. This will be with the aim of making sure that the leader can minimize the unexpected events (Mackie, 2007). There is also the outcome associated with the leader mastering the element of being agreeable in some of the cases. While the staff that they work with may not mind for the ...
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