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Organization Growth & Change: Executive Coaching

Essay Instructions:

• Review the online chapters, "A Case Study of Executive Coaching as a Support Mechanism During Organizational Growth and Evolution" and "Coaching Leaders through Culture Change," as well as Dr. Curphy's segment in the Course Media. Consider specific examples of organizational growth and change, leadership challenges that might arise from these situations, and coaching strategies that would help leaders address these challenges.
• Review the online chapter, "Ideas on Fostering Creative Problem Solving in Executive Coaching." Consider how you might use the coaching strategies discussed in the chapter to help leaders address challenges related to organizational growth and change.
• Find a recent example in the media (within the last year) of an organization going through growth and/or change as a result of current events.
• Reflect on the possible challenges that the leaders in your example might have encountered. Identify one challenge that you believe would be the most difficult for the organization's leaders to overcome.
• With this in mind, identify at least one coaching strategy you would use to help leaders address the selected challenge and think about why it would be effective.
With these thoughts in mind:
Post by Day 5 a specific, recent example in the media of an organization that is undergoing growth and change. Describe one leadership challenge related to your example. Finally, describe one coaching strategy you would use to help leaders address this challenge and explain how and why it would be effective. Be specific.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Executive Coaching
Executive Coaching
The business industry is one that is always riddled with change at every turn. These are changes that managers and those managing the organizations have to contend with. This means they have to have the right set of skills to address the needs of the changes in light of the goals and objectives of the organization. Managers have to constantly sharpen their skills to make sure that they can match the industry changes. More so relative to the trends that take place in the business arena that require managers to have newer information and skills to handle the new challenges. It is not possible to handle sustainably the new trend challenges with the old set of skills. It is for this reason that most leaders will constantly take part in executive coaching programs to help sharpen their skills. Largely, executive coaching programs are geared towards making sure that the leaders have what it takes to stand out from the competition in a never ending struggle to stay on the top. Google is one of the leading companies in the world, in the information and technology industry. As such, other that the fact that it has to make sure it stays at the top of the pile, it is also in one of the fastest growing industries in the world. In a recent move to make sure, there were different companies under the umbrella body, managing the different programs, the company split up. Different products at the company are now managed as separate entities of the larger group. These presents a number of challenges for the company with regard to unifying the objectives of the company while operating as a very segregated entity. Working with a mentorship program this is going to better increase the chances of success in the business trends that the company has chosen (Loew, 2015).
‘Google may be Alphabet’s cash cow, but in Alphabet’s corporate structure the search and ad company is now just one of many companies operating businesses in various industries. In a regulatory filing Friday, Alphabet described a restructuring that will put Google on equal legal and regulatory footing with its other companies. Alphabet has created a holding company called XXVI Holdings Inc. that will be the umbrella over Alphabet and all its businesses; the name refers to the 26 letters in the English alphabet. In addition, Google itself will change from a corporation to a limited liability company (LLC), which Alphabet believes better fits an affiliate company owned by a parent.’ (Fast Company, 2017)
The company is one of the largest and it offers a very wide range of services. All of the services are tied to a product that the company works with. This means that the company offers the customers services that are able to separate into programs (Fast Company, 2017). Each of the program is then separated into a company that runs autonomously from the larger umbrella, with its own agenda and objectives to achieve. However, the underlying objectives of the company and goals have to be achieved. The challenge comes in with reference to having all the companies which are running different services being able to achieve the same objectives as the rest while remaining autonomous. For the various leaders heading the companies, this is a challenge and one that can easily turn conflicting (Fast Company, 2017).
It is quite difficult to remain autonomous given the fact that, the companies are supposed to embrace the cultu...
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